News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Wednesday, April 30, 2014
--link for Lexie's I am a Mormon profile
Mission President Craven
and his wife with Sister Morris! 
Sister Alexia Morris has arrived in North Carolina ready to teach everyone who will listen !!
She arrived with Sister Grace and 4 elders from the MTC in Provo.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

"When the spirit is present, people are not offended when you share your feelings about the gospel." M. Russell Ballard

     So in my district there is Sister Grace and i and then there are four elders: Elder Tapp, Elder Stafford, Elder Hungrige, and Elder Cravey.  The elders share a room and Sister Grace and I have a room to ourselves.  Which is pretty nice!  Anyway, we got to visit the temple this morning which was really nice.  Only since our temple time was at 7am, we couldn't eat before we left cause the cafeteria wasn't open yet.  So we ended up having a late breakfast at the Temple cafeteria.  
     Also, the dress I borrowed was too short for me, but too big around for me so I had to tie it really tight and then the pockets were like in the back which was super awkward when i was trying to get anything in or out!  And then, when we got changed, sister Grace and i were waiting for the Elders and we finally figured out they'd gone to the cafeteria without us!  And almost done by the time we got down there!  Rude!  They're always leaving us behind though!
     And they, especially Elder Cravey, fall asleep a lot!  The teachers make him stand up during classes and stuff like that to help him stay awake...
     Also, funny: So we were teaching an investigator and she was telling us how much she loves songs and singing so i suggested we sing a song...Only my companion is tone deaf...So it was awesome!  haha.  Also means i haven't gotten to do choir cause she doesn't want to... oh well.
     We had 299 missionaries who entered this MTC on the same day as me... Crazy, right?  And there are people from everywhere in the world- going everywhere!  People from New Zealand, Australia, England, Hong Kong, etc!  
On Easter, President Uchtdorf came and spoke to us!  Like soo cool!  He talked a little bit about Easter and how we don't really have a big Easter celebration in the church because we celebrate it every sunday when we partake of the sacrament.  He also told a story about some elders serving in England and how one Elder was totally on fire and talked to everyone.  And the other companion thought he was too bold and whatnot.  I really liked how he said if the missionaries are getting along, it is one of two things: either 1 they are both humble and working hard or 2 they are doing everything wrong.  If there is friction, it is because you have a type 1 and type 2 missionary together.  So we're supposed to be like the first missionary and to "Fear no man"
Also, Elder oaks came and spoke last night!  So cool!

Thanks for everything!
Sister Alexia Morris
SO I couldn't send pics this week because I don't have an sd card reader

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Just set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints tonight at 9 pm :-)

  Going into the MTC tomorrow Wednesday, April 16th at 1 p.m.
 It's my sister Makayla's half way point tomorrow -only 9 months left for her!
Charlotte, North Carolina mission here I come on April 28th