News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, November 17, 2014

A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love! St. Basil

So Dorothy is super excited for her up-coming baptism!  We had Stake Conference yesterday, which was soo good!  President and Sister Craven were there because he was asked to speak.  I don’t know if I am biased since he is my mission president, but i thought his talk was by far the best!  He talked a lot about the temple and how absolutely NO ONE can make it to the celestial kingdom without the ordinances of the temple.  We must share the gospel so people we love can be there too!  And baptism is just the first step-as we are baptized; we should be looking towards the temple.  Anyway, we actually had quite a few investigators there and we know Dorothy loved it!  We were out in the hall talking to her afterwards, and our Zone leaders came up to say hi.  And she invited them to her baptism!  
So we also have a great investigator who we go teach at Green haven Rehabilitation Center.  I can't remember if I told y’all about him or not, but he is engaged to Sister Liverman (who also lives there). Pretty much one day we got a call from her telling us that she wanted us to come visit a special friend.  So we went and found out she was engaged and gave him a book of Mormon (turns out the elders had started to teach him at one point when he was living in a different facility, but the facility told him they couldn’t come teach him anymore) and he was really excited to get another book since he had lost his other one.  Anyway, the funny thing is every time we teach him, we end up with a bunch of people in this tiny little room!  Sister Liverman and the two of us, and for one lesson we also had Sister Baker and Sister Williams there and Brother Walker showed up (he is Sister Liverman's home teacher).  And the next time, we somehow ended up with Sister Fox, Sister Matthews, us, Alena (aka mini Sister Fox), and Sister Liverman there, plus Paul's roommate was there!  Yah, that many people do not fit very easily!  But Paul really loved it when we talked about the first vision and showed him the picture.  He asked if we could frame it for him and hang it on the wall with Joseph Smith's description of the event.  He also wants to be baptized, but with his Cerebral Palsy, we are going to have to plan that out really well.
It was really cold this week!  There was one day where the high was like 30 something.  Of course, we are on our bikes...yay.  Luckily, we had a bunch of lessons that day so we had some members that went out with us and didn’t have to bike too much. We did have to bike over to Dorothy's, but that only takes like 30 minutes or so when you go really fast.  Of course, we couldn’t feel our fingers anymore by the time we got there...which was crazy cause I was wearing two pairs of gloves! Oh well.  Life of a missionary!
Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great day! :)

Sister Morris

 Ahh! The bush is on fire! haha. 
Not really, but it looks pretty neat! 


Who is ready to brave the cold?

  We are!

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