News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, August 25, 2014

When the winds of adversity come remember one thing--kites fly the very highest against the wind! Kites don't fly in spite of opposition, kites fly because of opposition. In fact, they couldn't fly without opposition! John Bytheway

So I am pretty sure this week was the hottest and most humid so far!  Of coarse, the elders had the car...  I am sure the poor people opening their door were staring at us like we were crazy cause we were dripping sweat like crazy… yep good first impression!  haha.  We even changed for dinner to try and look less crazy, but that did not work cause as soon as you walked outside, you were wet again.  But it makes you appreciate being indoor with air conditioning!
This week, a sweet sister in our ward introduced us to her friend Heather.  So we all went out to lunch and had a great conversation about the church.  My favorite part was how all the members who live up there by Heather and Sister Bellows knew about it and were all talking about fellowshipping her further!  Also, the ward has been doing fantastic with fellowshipping Amy and Grayson!  We were trying to get an appointment with her and she was like, not on Wednesday, I am having dinner with the Lindsays, on Thursday- Sister Hardy (relief society president) is coming over, on Friday my visiting teachers are coming over, etc etc.!  We had to set up an appointment for Tuesday!  Yay for the ward!  Summerfield really is a great ward!
So funny moment of the week.  I ran into a mailbox.  Okay, so it was really more of an epic sideways fall... But It was at the top of a really steep hill and I was pedaling, but pretty much going no where at that point since I had used up all my gears.  I like to think that I hit something in the road, but in any case, I just toppled over into the mailbox.  Luckily I didn't manage to hurt it or anything but I am sure it looked pretty comical! J
Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week!  (free of mailbox-crashes!)
Love ya!

Sister A. Morris

Keaton i caught a baby frog for you!

a random turtle in the middle of the road...

going to church

quick take the picture it is getting away!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"By the way, do not expect the world’s solutions to the world’s problems to be very effective. Such solutions often resemble what C. S. Lewis wrote about those who go dashing back and forth with fire extinguishers in times of flood -The Screwtape Letters. Only the gospel is constantly relevant, and the substitute things won’t work." Maxwell

So we had exchanges this week and I went to Guilford with Sister Kenyon.  And I have never knocked on so many doors of people who do not speak English!!  It was crazy!  The first one we knocked on, a man opened the door and we were trying to ask him questions like where he was from and he was saying something like Ospitel and we were like, ummm, where is that?  It took a while but we finally determined he was telling us his brother, the owner of the house, was in the Hospital! haha.  That was fun.  And then we knocked on another door with a lady who spoke Spanish.  So she was really sweet and let us in, but there was a major language barrier!!  And her two kids were sitting there eating and the little boy starts choking on his chicken!  So she grabs him and hurries him into the back.  So we are just awkwardly sitting there...After a few minutes, she comes back with him and he sits down, and proceeds to throw up in his bowl.  Yep.  That was definitely... memorable!   And then we went to a lesson where the grandma and the grandchildren are interested.  Only problem is, the grandma only speaks Zo (or however you would spell it.  They are from Burma).  So the oldest, a twelve year old, has to translate for us! We mostly used the pictures and short simple statements.  They are a really cute family! :)
Anyway, those were the three most memorable.  We talked to people from all over the world that day though!  And pretty much none of them spoke English!  There were a lot of Muslims though, so not at all interested in a message about Jesus Christ.
Also this week, we knocked on a door and a woman on the phone answered.  So we just gave her a Book of Mormon card and she says, "oh, thanks!  I have one of these on the visor in my car!"  Not going to lie, we were both like, no way!  So as we were leaving, we checked the cars in the driveway, and sure enough, there was a Book of Mormon card!  Nice to know that people don't always just throw those away!
      Another time, we found a sweet lady and ended up teaching her the Restoration.  As we were getting ready to leave, we asked if she knew anyone we should go see.  So she told us one of her neighbors and his name so we went and knocked on the door.  And the man who answered wasn't interested, but he said we should go see one of his neighbors. When we asked for a name, turns out it was the lady we had just finished talking to!  They referred each other!  I bet that doesn't happen very often!
And I made cookies this week!  They were yummy!  Though the dough consistency is different from ones in Utah...more sticky.
Anyway, I hope yall are having a spectacular week! :)

This is us pushing sister Jessup's car so that she
can burn a pile of brush without catching the car on fire! 

Sister Loosle leaving me in the dust! She is crazy fast!
Especially when i am trying to bike and take pictures at the same time...

Another kitty friend-When sister Loosle was looking at these pictures,
she goes "the cat was that close to me? I didnt even notice!"
Sister A. Morris

Monday, August 11, 2014

You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him to find it within himself. Galileo

     So last Monday, the sister training leaders picked us up to take us shopping at Walmart.  When we got there the summit sisters were also there.  We saw a random man riding his bike the other way.  I don't really know why, but I waved at him and said hi. Then all of the sudden, he turned around and came back asking us, "what are the badges?"  Apparently he had seen the elders before and was wondering why we were all wearing badges.  So we taught him the restoration right in front of Walmart.  And since he was in our area, we got a return appointment with him.  Anyway, his name is Jullien and he was born in morocco.  So he speaks Arabic, French, and English and was raised as a Muslim.  Then, when he moved to Europe, he converted to Christianity but he was never baptized because, though he tried out a lot of churches, he never found one where he felt God's approval. Good thing he met us!  :)  Anyway, he came to church this Sunday!  And he said that he liked it and will come next Sunday.  We are giving him over to the elders since he is a single male and lives really close to them.  
     We also met a girl named Caroline.  So we were at a street and decided we would knock the doors that had cars in the driveway.  So we started off and at one point were walking past a car-less house when a girl walked out.  We weren't sure how old she was so we just gave her one of the pass-along cards and kept going.  A few minutes later, we got a text saying something like "I was raised atheist and don't know who Jesus Christ is.  Two Mormon girls just gave me a picture of him and I want to know more." Yep.  That doesn't happen very often!  Anyway, we also got pretty wet this week since it was our bike week and it rained a lot on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (we got the car after church.  Of course, it wasn't raining then!).  Haha.  But it is definitely an adventure going downhill really fast cause you can barely see where you are going! -- We also have water all up our backs since the tires flick the water up... But it is nice cause people feel really bad for us and are more likely to talk to us. Oh and apparently I didn't say much about Sister Loosle?  Sorry about that!  I must have told Sister Morris about her but no one else... I keep doing that!  But she is from Austin, Texas though technically she was born in Utah and lived in Guam for two years.  She is addicted to M&Ms and went to USU before coming out here (apparently we were there at the same time...just didn't know each other).  She has four younger brothers and is lots of fun!
Anyway, hope that y'all are having a great week!

Sister A. Morris
This is Amy and Grayson!
Also, brother Lindsay who baptized them!
Such a great day for them!

Who says Girls can't follow instructions??  hehe.
We got new desks-only had to take things back apart a few times... :)

This is my companion sister Loosle and Sage's
 (she and her mom are the members that live in our apt complex)
Her new kitty is soo cute!  

This is Sister Loosle and i with Amy, Grayson, and Gavin (7 years old so he will get to be baptized next year!)

The kitty likes mormon messages!

Monday, August 4, 2014

It is more important to be nice than it is to be right!

Sorry, still no pictures of Amy and Grayson being baptized...But we got to have dinner with them this week!  It was super entertaining because they were not allowed to leave the table before they ate their broccoli...They were trying to gag it down, and failing, so they ended up eating ketchup and broccoli.  Yep.  I am probably not ever trying that one! So the elders had an investigator at church this week!  Super exciting!  His name is Lonnie and we actually met him at the Neese's house (less-actives we visit).  So he determined that we were the girl version of the elders and told us that the elders used to come visit. But that he was pretty sure he had scared them off.  And he told us to tell the elders to come back and visit him!  And they did! :)
For dinner one day, the Lawrences took us out to eat and then we went to Menchies for dessert.  Unfortunately, there was a chalkboard in there...So Penelope (21 months) got a hold of the eraser and proceeded to get chalk everwhere!  Especially on her face!  And on her dad... And then she ate some of the chalk.  yummy!  And then on the drive home, Sister Lawrence flipped this crazy fast U-turn and this bottle of milk attacked me from behind!  It was the scariest thing ever! Luckily, I didn't get too much milk on me...  But I had to laugh at myself because it scared me so bad! Anyway, this week has been really nice and cool.  Unfortunately, this next week is supposed to be really hot...Should be fun to bike in!
Love yall!

Sister Morris