News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, August 4, 2014

It is more important to be nice than it is to be right!

Sorry, still no pictures of Amy and Grayson being baptized...But we got to have dinner with them this week!  It was super entertaining because they were not allowed to leave the table before they ate their broccoli...They were trying to gag it down, and failing, so they ended up eating ketchup and broccoli.  Yep.  I am probably not ever trying that one! So the elders had an investigator at church this week!  Super exciting!  His name is Lonnie and we actually met him at the Neese's house (less-actives we visit).  So he determined that we were the girl version of the elders and told us that the elders used to come visit. But that he was pretty sure he had scared them off.  And he told us to tell the elders to come back and visit him!  And they did! :)
For dinner one day, the Lawrences took us out to eat and then we went to Menchies for dessert.  Unfortunately, there was a chalkboard in there...So Penelope (21 months) got a hold of the eraser and proceeded to get chalk everwhere!  Especially on her face!  And on her dad... And then she ate some of the chalk.  yummy!  And then on the drive home, Sister Lawrence flipped this crazy fast U-turn and this bottle of milk attacked me from behind!  It was the scariest thing ever! Luckily, I didn't get too much milk on me...  But I had to laugh at myself because it scared me so bad! Anyway, this week has been really nice and cool.  Unfortunately, this next week is supposed to be really hot...Should be fun to bike in!
Love yall!

Sister Morris

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