News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, July 28, 2014

Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil; our great hope lies in developing what is good. -Calvin Coolidge-

So Amy and Grayson got baptized this Saturday! :) It was really amazing to be able to be there with them!  As we were sitting there, I was thinking about how we had first found them on a car fast Saturday (every Saturday we give up the car to sanctify ourselves), the Reidheads (senior couple) were going to go finding with us.  So we went to the park first and found the elders there.  They had been there almost all day with no luck.  So instead, we picked them up and took them with us.  Then we found an apartment complex to knock on and we all split up.  We didn’t find many people home, or if they were home, they were not interested.  We got to our last door and a cute little boy answered.  When his mom came to the door, we asked her the survey questions (Elder Reidhead had written a survey he wanted us to try out) and asked if we could come back.  Her response, "yes of course" kind of shocked us...She then proceeded to set up a next appointment for us.  After, we walked away trying to figure out what had just happened...  Anyway, she was just amazing to teach because everything just made sense to her.  She also flew through the Book of Mormon. They were truly prepared by our Father in Heaven! On Sunday (confirmation day) we greeted everyone at the doors like usual, and then the meeting started and they were not there!!  We texted her but no response!  We did announcements, hymn, and prayer, and they still we not there!  Brother Peirce, after looking around, then announced the Haderlie's baby blessing.  During that prayer, I had a talk with Heavenly Father.  I knew that she was on her way, but I also knew that she has a hard time getting out of the house with Gavin (7) and Grayson (11).  So I asked that when the baby blessing was over, I would be able to turn around and see them.  The prayer ended, I turned around, and there they were.  It reminded me of many prophets in the Book of Mormon.  They have faith that something will happen, and then God makes it happen and your faith turns into a sure knowledge.  He does answer prayers and His timing is perfect.
I got a new companion on Tuesday!  Her name is Sister Loosle (pronounced Loose Lee) and she is from Austin Texas.  And she is really fast on a bike!  (either that or I am really slow...not sure which...)
So funny story: President Craven forgot about us!!  Everyone who is getting transferred has to drive to charlotte and then President announces where everyone is going and who their companion is.  So President started closing the meeting (which I did not realize...I can be a little slow sometimes!)  When all of the sudden, a Sister stands up and says, "President Craven!  Where am I going?" Yep.  He totally forgot about us!  Sad day!
Also this week, we were driving along when all of the sudden, Sister Loosle started freaking out-there was a wasp right next to her in the car!  So we turned off the main road and stopped right there.  She opened the car door and was poking at it with an umbrella and I turned on the Hazards, just in case.  Then all of a sudden, this lady, who had parked her car at the stop sign behind us (going the other direction--onto the main road), came up with a napkin, while talking on her phone, grabbed it, and stepped on it!  It was the most random thing ever!  But I just thought that was so sweet of a random stranger to save us :) Anyway, I hope all yawls are having a great day!

Sister A. Morris

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