News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, July 21, 2014

"Coming unto Christ means walking away from the world. And walking away from the world means choosing holiness and purity over worldliness and impurity. Our Father wants us back, and He wants us back clean." Sheri Dew

So Sister Perea is getting transferred tomorrow! :(  Seriously though, she has been here in Summerfield for forever!  10 months is more than half the mission!  So I will be getting a new companion on Tuesday.  So funny moment of the week: So we were role—playing at district meeting and I was pretending to be an employee at Subway.  And Elder Felger said, "wow.  There are a lot of choices!  It kind of reminds me of how many churches there are here.  Have you ever wondered why there are so many churches?"  Hehe.  I just about died laughing! :) Anyway, Sister Perea had to give a talk on Sunday since she was leaving, and then we got like a bazillion offers to feed us.  So we ended up getting lunch at 3:30 (with a cherry whipped cream dessert) then we got peanut butter brownies at Sister Abdelhaq's, dinner with the Laytons at 5:00 (with strawberry shortcake for dessert), then we had another dessert with Sister Gonzales and her fiancé (she dished up enormous portions for us!  It was pound cake, with strawberries, marshmallows, and Ice cream)!  So we pretty much had to be rolled home! Also amusing: So Gavin and Amy came to church (Grayson was in Minnesota with a friend) and Gavin has the hardest time sitting still!  But I felt like I had a Mary Poppins bag!  First he needed a tissue, then he needed something to do, then he wanted something to eat.  When I passed some fruit snacks down the row and he goes, "Mom!  How did she know these are my favorite??"  hehe.  He is hilarious!  But we are super excited for Amy and Grayson's baptism on Saturday!
I hope all yawls have a fantastic week!
Sister Morris

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