News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, July 14, 2014

Only the Savior lived a perfect life, but even He learned and grew in mortal experience.

     So this week, Faith and Eddie showed up at church.  For Faith, it was the first time in 33 years!  I don't know if she will keep coming or anything because she still insists that she is catholic, but it was great to have her at church and I think that she enjoyed it.
Sister Perea and I also taught Gospel Principles since the Walls are out of town.  So we got to teach about baptism.  Cute little Evelyn Lindsay was in our class with her dad and she talked about how excited she is to be baptized in February.  Their family is so cute! They also had us over for dinner and popcorn.  (And they know how to make stove popcorn!  Yummy!)  The girls were singing us songs like "I am a child of God," "Baptism," "He sent His Son," etc.  They had a play microphone and were singing their hearts out! Also, I got a ton of new clothes this week!  We went over to Sister Collin's house and before we left, she asked if we need any clothes. And then preceded to give us an entire garbage bag of clothes she no longer fits into!  So my closet just doubled!  Yeah for amazing ward members!
     Also, Sister Perea is really tense this week because she is pretty sure she will be transferred (she has been here in Summerfield for her entire mission-10 months) but we will not find out until Saturday... So I might be getting a new companion next Tuesday...Hopefully not, but God knows where we need to be.
Hope you all are having a great week!

Sister A. Morris
cute fluffy dog--heavier than i thought...

wow had to take a picture where there was a small spot of no trees!

it is beautiful here :-D

garfields' siblings....

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