News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

“Action is the foundational key to all success ~Pablo Picasso

Sister Shepherd had a crazy dream this week involving Zombies and missionary work.  So apparently, we were at a hospital teaching people
and the elders come running down the hallway yelling, "why are you still here??  The zombies are coming!"  and we were like, "well, we need to teach these people even if they are going to turn into zombies!!"  haha.  That is dedication right there!
So at like four o'clock on Tuesday morning, our smoke detector started chirping.  We were trying to ignore it and sleep but it was soo irritating!  So at 6:30, we stacked a bunch of couch cushions on a chair and I stood up there to get it out.   But removing the battery didn’t work cause it was wired into the ceiling!  So we just had to put up with it until we could get to the main office and get some replacement batteries.  I totally wanted to murder it!  On Wednesday, Mark and Markie got baptized!! (They are 13 and 15 and have wanted to be baptized for quite some time but their mom would not let them.  Her heart has really been softened!)  There was an enormous turn out!  Because they have been coming to church for so long!  More than 60 people came!  It went really well too!   We did have a bit of a panic moment because we had set up a Facebook lesson for 7:30 but the baptism started late and wasn't over yet!   Luckily Sister Shepherd had her i-pad with her (she was sitting at the piano with me because she was giving a talk on baptism and her knees were super bad that day and she didn’t want to have to walk far) so we rescheduled.  Also, a lot of people thought Sister Shepherd and I were both playing the piano because she was pretending that she was.
Anyway, we rescheduled our Facebook lesson for the next night.  And since Sister Jenkins and Sheree Gay (Mark and markie's mom) took us to dinner near the church, we went back to the chapel after so we could use the Wi-Fi.  We were in the young women’s room when we hear someone coming down the hall and open the door.  Sister Shepherd was freaking out but it was just the elders.
So at Mark and Markie's baptism, we had everyone write testimony cards.  The problem is, we did not realize how many people would be showing up so we didn’t have as many cards as we needed.  This meant that everyone wrote one to mark and Markie.  So on Sunday, we had to go copy ALL of the cards!  It got super confusing!!  And our living room is a mess because we then had to cut them all out and whatnot.  Also at church, we were waiting for the bishop so we could get the baptismal and confirmation record signed and we started pulling out all our snacks (we had a lot because Sister Shepherd is hypoglycemic and we packed a lunch cause we knew we would not be able to get home for lunch) and then we started sharing them with everyone else who was waiting because they were all hungry too!  Good thing we carry a lot of food with us!  The members were actually making fun of us because we had so much food in our bags!
Hey, I am just always prepared for anything!
We got a great new investigator this week!  Her name is Helen and she is a referral from Sister Sweat.  She actually lives in High Point but since there are not any sisters there any longer and Helen's husband prefers she meet with sisters, we get to teach her!  Anyway, she is a Russian Jew who converted to Christianity in her teenage years.  She is really sweet and hilarious!!  We just love her!
Anyway, I hope y’all have a wonderful week!

Sister Morris
Taking a stroll around the lake

I got a new t-shirt!

 am riding a broom in our apt :)

Markie is all ready to get baptized!

Mark and Markie with their dad

we went to the Buddha temple!

doing some scrap booking!

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