News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have" Vince Lombardi

Last Monday, we had a district activity at the church where we were playing chair soccer and I totally won twice!  I lost once cause the elders ganged up on me, but then I won the next game :)
Milford Keller was interviewed this week for baptism!  We are so excited for him!  All that is left is to figure out how to actually get him baptized!  Pretty much the baptism font at our building is designed for really skinny people who are not in wheel chairs.  We are looking at hotels right now.  That should be interesting!  We just have to trust in God and keep praying that something will work out!   We talked with him about temples this week and he is so excited! He cannot wait to go to the temple and he also wants to go to the salt lake temple sometime in his life because it is so beautiful :)  He has also given us some referrals so that is super great! :)
This morning, Sister Shepherd had her doctors visit to find out what is going on with her knees.  It turns out her knees have hypo mobility so her kneecaps can move further than most peoples.  Since they are not staying in place, it has been giving her problems.  So now she has these enormous black braces to hold her kneecaps in place!  They are pretty great looking!
Aleena Fox just turned 8 this week so she could be baptized!  It was pretty funny cause the water was freezing!  She stuck a foot in and then you could hear her say, "do I have to get in?" her dad told her yes so she slowly got in.  And right after they were done baptizing her, she was out of there!  Ha ha, it was super comical how fast she was at getting out!  I am glad she did not slip or anything!
Anyway, I hope y’all have a fantastic week!
Sister Morris

Josie found a clam! (or is it a mussel or something?)

Sister Shepherd had to have a picture with the cow!
So funny 
we totally went to Chick-fil-a twice this week!
The Harwards' 
and the Foxs' took us there!

 Sister Whitaker saw us walking on the side of the road and she
knows that Sister Shepherd has bad knees so she told us to get in!Only the car was already full.... :)

 Waiting at the Doctors!
Look- We braided our hair last night!  Also trying to catch up on my journal writing...
I am soo behind!
LOOK- the chandlers ordered us a pizza!

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