News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, February 2, 2015

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton

So on Monday, Sister Shepherd got some epic knee braces that are really helping her have less pain.  Turns out her joints are just super flexible and so her knee-cap just goes wandering when she is walking. The solution is to build up the muscles around the knee- cap so it will be held in place.  We are working on getting to a physical therapist so that she can learn some exercises for it.  But when she first got her knee braces, they were super stiff and so she walked really funny!  Like without bending her knees very much and I just busted up laughing every time I looked at her as we were walking through Wal-Mart last Monday :)
On Tuesday, we had interviews with President Craven as well as district meeting.  Unfortunately, Sister Shepherd woke up and was throwing up.  so I was like, i'll call Sister Craven and tell her we can’t come today.  Sister Shepherd's response was: "I have to go to give the White Hand Book training!"  It was pretty amusing.  So anyway, interviews started late and went too long so we were waiting around for forever for all our district members to finish so we could start district meeting.  And then some of the elders, not in our district, needed a ride, so Elder Maumau and Elder Russell went to take them home.  So we waited and waited and waited.  Yeah, turns out they stopped by Cookout for lunch and didn’t get us any!  By the time we finished district meeting, we had eaten all our snacks and it was after 3!  So we were hungry and needed to head directly to an appointment.  Anyway, the Harwards are my favorite because they drove us all the way to the High Point building and then picked us up again and they had gotten us potpies, oranges, and doughnuts!  #mannafromheaven!  So we didn’t starve!
Also this week, we went on exchanges with the Guilford Sisters and Sister Tenney is there right now!!! :)  I was really happy to see her again! Also, we got a great referral from the Guilford sisters.  It is a really cute young mom and we were able to teach her the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation this week :)  she loves the pictures and she actually recognized the first vision picture and the picture of Christ coming to the Americas!  She said that another family had invited them to their church one time and she had seen the pictures there and she still remembers them!  Who would have thought that just inviting a family to church can make that much of a difference in the future?  Wow!
Also, Milford Keller was baptized this Sunday!  :)  We ended up doing it in a Springhills Suite Marriott hotel since they have a lift into the pool!  It was amazing!  We had five men helping him into the water and baptizing him and it was a super spiritual experience!  He also bore his testimony at his baptism :)  it was a wonderful experience! Can’t wait for him to get confirmed next week!
So Sunday night, we had dinner with the nelsons, and Elijah (3) is hilarious!  It is really hard to hear what he says sometimes so he had said something about monkeys and we were trying to guess what he had said.  So Sister Shepherd says, "monkeys jumping on the bed?"  his reaction was priceless!  He repeated it like it was the dumbest thing he had ever heard and gave her this look that said it all!  :)
Anyway, I hope y’all have a great week!
Love ya!

Sister Morris
Milford was really excited to be baptized
-said he felt a weight 
lifted off of him! 

cupcakes at the church! :)

Milford's baptism!
We were waiting in the main area for everyone
 to get there!

Brother Jordan is going to be doing the baptizing!

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