News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, February 16, 2015

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny" CS Lewis

So this week has been really crazy!  As was today!  We finally went to physical therapy for Sister Shepherd and we both got haircuts!  Plus it is snowing!!!  What is with that???  I thought North Carolina was supposed to be warm!  Instead we keep getting weather that is 17 degrees or lower!   Crazy!
Transfers are also coming up!  We will get the call on Tuesday night and transfers are on Friday.  Since Sister Shepherd is done training, one of us will probably get transferred :( and since I have been here longer...
Great moments of the week: Stephanie Falls and Natascha Bynum both signed up on our meal calendar for this week!
We got a return appointment with the woman who cut Sister Shepherd's hair: she told us she is interested in being baptized and we told her that is our specialty! :)
One day this week, we were following our plans when both of us just stopped and we were like, we are in the wrong place.  So we thought about it and both of us were like, let's go see Natascha!  So we did and she had just gotten back from the mall and let us in and we were able to teach her about the plan of salvation! :) yay!
Also, there was a relief society activity this week where we were talking about nails, hair care, skin care, etc.  And the lady who was going to do hair care canceled last minute!  So Sister Roma called us and asked if we would fill in and we were like, yes?  You do realize we know nothing about hair, right??  And we don’t have internet access to find anything out!  But she wanted us to do it anyway.  A while later, we were talking to Stephanie and telling her about how we have to teach about hair and how we know nothing and she was like, well I know about hair!  #stephanietotherescue!  She ended up coming to the activity even though it was Savanah's bedtime so she could teach for us!  yay!  I didn’t have to pretend like I know what I am talking about!
Anyway, I hope y’all have a fantastic week!
I love you!

Sister Morris
you want me to do what? #veryconfused!

valentines! :)

Sister Shepherd, Sister Belk, Stephanie-holding Savannah,
Natascha, and Me at Church :D

it is snowing!

I got my hair cut!  And we got a return
appointment with one of the 
hair stylists! YAY

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