News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, February 23, 2015

Good people know about both good and evil; bad people do not know about either" CS Lewis

Hi everyone!  I hope y’all have had a great week!   It has been really cold here this week!  And there was even a day where, as a mission, we were not allowed to drive our cars because it was so icy!  So that made it kind of hard to get around anywhere, but we did get to teach a lot of lessons over Skype and face time!  For our coordination meeting, we ended up going to Brother Leinbach's house instead of the church and they fed us (the sisters, not the elders) dinner.  So Sister Shepherd had finished what was on her plate and was going to go get more when Brother Leinbach picked up her plate and took it to the sink.  The look on her face was hilarious!  She looked so devastated! On Tuesday night, we got transfer calls and found out I was getting transferred.  Not super unexpected, but still really sad!  On Wednesday, Sister Shepherd got a call and found out she is going to be training!  Crazy!  She totally just finished being trained!  And then on Thursday, President Craven called me and asked me to be a Sister training leader.  Talk about stressful for both of us!!  We both had some roller coaster emotions going on!  And then transfers were on Friday and I have no idea how my suitcases got so heavy but I think Sister Shepherd stuck some bricks in there when I wasn’t looking!  And she moved all her things to my side of the room-I guess the grass is greener on the other side of the room!  Really though, my closet is the much bigger one!  Also, since it has been so cold, we have been leaving our taps and faucets dripping, but the pipes froze anyway! And the heat stopped working right before the Harwards got there!  So we didn’t have time to do anything to fix them!  Talk about a nice warm welcome to the new Sister!  Anyway, Sister Shepherd's new companion is Sister Rasmussen and mine is Sister Nielsen.  And I am in Concord now! So that is the Charlotte Central Zone.  Also, weird moment, so I have actually stayed in Concord before with the Sister Training leaders a while back and we went on a mini exchange!  So I already know some of the people here!  Also exciting, Molly Sherrill got baptized on Sunday! :)  She is really amazing and it was really fun to get to be here for that!  I am excited to teach her the after baptism lessons!  And it was really exciting because her mom and dad and brother came even though they have been anti the whole time! 
My favorite teaching moment of the week is when we went to see some investigators (husband and wife) but they were not there.  However, their daughter treasure was there and she just got super excited about being taught!  She was trying to remember everything so she could share it with her other sisters and she asked us if she could come to church! :)  We are really excited to meet with her again!
Anyway, I love y’all!
Sister Morris
Love the fluffy dog! 
She weighs a lot more than I thought she would though...

we made a mini snowman!

 Finley Harris knows how to build a snowman!

Me with Stephanie and Savannah!  I love them!

Whitney Sweat is one of the cutest primary girls in the ward!  -love her! :)

Sister Shepherd was drawing us pictures since we got transferred
--Elder Kleinman asked for a picture of
Elder Lemon holding a goose 
:) hehee

Molly Sherrill's baptism was this sunday! :)  She is the best! :)

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