News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, March 2, 2015

"Don't let the noise of other peoples opinions drown out your inner voice." Steve Jobs

So first off, if you saw my i-pad post about being off Facebook for a while, we are getting trained for online proselyting!  So everyone in the mission is off Facebook for a few months!  And everyone in missions who have or will be getting i-pads are going to get the same training so we will all be on the same page! :)  It is pretty exciting!  We have some drafts of the training booklets that are super helpful!  Seriously, it is going to be so much better for missionaries to get training instead of just handing them an i-pad and going, figure it out!  The program is also designed to help us make good use of technology for the rest of our lives and not for just while we are missionaries.  They also talked about developing a new Going home program for missionaries!  Crazy, right?  I love seeing the church develop in new ways like this!  Super exciting!  Also, Molly got confirmed this Sunday!   It is so amazing to get to feel the spirit at events like that!  And Sarah got baptized! :) So it was just a super exciting Sunday!  And I will have to send some pictures next week of that!
Also, when you are in the charlotte zones, we have the opportunity to invite recent converts and investigators to a fireside that President Craven does the first Sunday of every month.  So we took Latoya along (a Recent Convert) and President Craven talked about the priesthood. . . talk about inspired!  Latoya told us afterward that the night before, she had been studying about the priesthood and had written a list of questions that she then prayed about.  And President Craven answered every single one of them!!
Anyway, we also got to go on exchanges with the Reedy Creek sisters this week and they are really great!  I stayed here in concord with Sister Williams and we had a fun time! :)
Anyway, I hope y’all have a fantastic week!
I love you!

Sister Morris

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