News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, March 16, 2015

"If the day ever comes when we quit learning, look out, we will just atrophy and die!" President Hinckley

This week has been pretty crazy!  I got to go to my first High Council meeting this week!  The Zone Leaders and us sister training leaders attend twice a month to report on missionary work.  We were also there to hear the report of a sister who was just coming back from her mission in Brazil!  It was really great to see the leadership of the stake working together!  Guess my mission will be the only time I will be a part of that!  Right after the meeting, we drove to the Harrisburg Sister's apartment for exchanges!  We actually both felt we needed to be in Harrisburg for the next day, so we slept over!  Sister Miller and I slept on the floor in the living room and the crazy thing is, I slept better there than on my mattress at home!  I think I am officially going to be sleeping on the futon!  (is that how you spell it?)  Anyway, the next day, Sister Nielsen and Sister Carter got the car and Sister Miller and I were on bikes (that decision was made because Sister Miller is so small and there is no way Sister Nielsen could ride it!).
Anyway, the day turned out to be wet and rainy all day!  I got absolutely soaked and covered in mud!  I really wish I knew what the weather was going to do!  I would have packed more layers!  But the day before was in the 70s and then it is freezing?  Yep, the weather is bipolar I swear!  Anyway, we had a great lesson with a lady who lived not far from their apartment.  The husband was a former investigator and when we knocked on the door, the wife answered and knew exactly who we were!  They even had their Book of Mormon sitting by the door like she was waiting for us to get there!  We were able to teach her more about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration and she was excited to learn more! :)  I love it when you find the elect!
We also had stake conference this weekend and Sister Nielsen got asked to speak on Tuesday for the Saturday session.  She was really freaking out!  But she did great! :)  President & Sister Craven also spoke at the meeting and were just amazing! :)
Also, last Monday, Sister Nielsen got a hair cut and I totally should have gotten a picture before she fixed it!  Because the lady styled her hair to be like a black lady! :)  It was epic!
Anyway, I hope y’all have an epic week!
Love y’all!
Sister Morris
The churches here are so epic!  

Oh, and we like the random bird on the side of a building!
There is a squid on the other side of it, but 
I didnt get a picture of it...

Sarah and Aneesah :)  Aneesah is trying really hard to frown,
she's not doing a very good job!

Baptisms are the best!

Sister Collier and I on exchanges -She is from Hawaii!

Only in North Carolina!  And we totally need one of these for our ward!

I love this church!  It is so pretty and right on Union street
so we 
drive past it all the time! 
Love the houses here too!  

I have never seen so many varieties before! 

The houses all have such character!  

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