News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Immerse yourself in the very things that helped build your core of faith". Neil L. Anderson

This week, we got our new i-pads!  On Tuesday, we had a meeting with President and Sister Craven and the rest of the mission leadership council (so zone leaders, sister training leaders and the assistants) and that was where we got our new i-pads and set them up.  Then on Friday, us and the zone leaders got to help all the members of our zone get their new i-pads and set them up.  It was pretty crazy!  Also this week, Molly (recent convert) went out with us to a teaching appointment that canceled.  So we went to our backup and they were not home either.  So we were about to leave when they pulled up!  We were able to talk with them about the Book of Mormon and help them see how the Book of Mormon will really bless them! :)
We went on two exchanges this week.  I went to University City with Sister Knudsen and we had a lot of fun teaching some great investigators there!  And since the two sets of University City Elders live in the same apt complex, we all met up to play soccer for morning exercises!  It was actually raining the whole time but that just made it more amusing because the elders kept slipping. Later in the week, Sister Collier (from Hawaii!) came here with me while Sister Nielsen went to Albemarle.
Also, funny moment of the week: so we were teaching an older black man and were talking about the word pillar (ie Lehi sees a pillar of fire in 1 NE 1) and he just looked soo confused!  After a minute of trying to figure it out, he points to a pillow and says, "so why do they call these pillars?"  :)
On Sunday, we looked at our goals for the week and realized we had not reached our goal of 5 new investigators yet.  So we went out and God really blessed us with 5 new investigators!  I am most excited about Ledo and Dulce.  We went to try a potential (who no longer lives there apparently) and instead found an older woman and her granddaughter.  Dulce does not speak any English so Ledo was translating for us and it was amazing!  The spirit was so strong and both of them had a great desire to read the Book of Mormon and be baptized! :)  So in spite of the whole we-had-to-get-up-an-hour-early thing, we had a fantastic day and were really blessed by God!
I hope y’all have an equally blessed day and week!
I love you!
Sister Morris

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