News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, February 9, 2015

by courage i repel adversity!

Last Monday, our whole zone went to High Point to play lazar tag.  So I am thinking it is going to be like some nice indoor lazar tag, yeah no!  It was outside lazar tag and it had been raining all morning!  We played a couple of different games and a lot of missionaries got super muddy!  Anyway, we were totally running around in the woods and having a great time!  The only problem is, one of Sister Shepherd's knee braces had slipped without her noticing, so by the time we got home, her knee had gotten huge and she couldn't walk!  So we didn’t even end up going shopping, even though I told her I would push her around in a shopping cart.
That night, we went on exchanges again with the Kernersville sisters (President Craven asked us to do so) so Sister Kennelly came here!  We had a great exchange and taught a ton of lessons!  (Tuesdays are always our busiest day!)  We taught Stephanie Jewell and her 8 year old son kept coming in and trying to get our attention but we had to keep telling him that we were going to come teach him on Friday (teaching them together has NOT been working at all!) and at the end, Hayden comes in and says, "I need to say a prayer!  Dear Heavenly Father, I am really mad the sisters come meet with my mom on Tuesdays instead of me and me on Fridays!  Amen!"  He is a character!
So we have an amazing new investigator named Stephanie Falls!  The Guilford sisters talked to her Sister's dad and set up a return appointment, but he had canceled on them.  later, they called back and Stephanie answered and agreed to have missionaries come teach her.  So we showed up and were able to teach her!  :)  She is the sweetest ever! And she really showed us that the small missionary efforts people do really make an difference!  Her family had been invited by another family, years ago, to go to church with them.  They had only gone that once, but she recognized the pictures of the first vision and of Christ coming to the Americas and remembered the good feelings she had had there!  And she was soo excited to come to church!  When I went to see her on exchanges, we asked her if she knew anyone who might be interested in meeting with us and found out she had given the second copy of the Book of Mormon (the one her Sister's dad had gotten from the guilford sisters) away to a friend in the apt complex!  Her name is Natascha and she came to church on Sunday! :) She also came to our next meeting with Stephanie Falls and told us she had been praying about the Book of Mormon since she'd gotten it and felt God was telling her it is true!  Talk about miracles! :) And Stephanie was great at the lesson all helping us set expectations with Natascha!  We just love her!  And the Belks (cute young couple that just moved into the ward) live in her same apt complex and invited us all over for lunch!  (Natascha wasn’t able to come since her 3 yr old is sick) and then Stephanie invited us all over for dinner on Tuesday! :)  She is so sweet and her 8 month old baby Savannah is the cutest! Anyway, Milford Keller got confirmed in church this Sunday!  :)  It was just an overall exciting day! I love Sundays!
Also this week, our plans changed so much that we ended up getting ourselves abandoned over by the church twice!  yep.  That wouldn’t be a problem if we lived close to the church, but we live 7.3 miles from the church!  Good thing we have great ward members who were willing to rescue us!
Also, we were at the rehab center and there was a cute older lady who looks at Sister Shepherd and I and goes, "wow!  You two are so beautiful!  Wow!"  And then she looks at Sister Shepherd and goes, "is she your daughter?"  hehee.  I don’t think Sister Shepherd looks that much older than me!! :)
Anyway, I hope y’all have a fantastic week filled with miracles!
Love ya!
Sister Morris

we look pretty good for just having placed lazer tag!

Sister Kennelly and i!

oh yes, I always look so great after biking!

we are so good at biking!  Actually, I had to wait at the top
of this hill for forever--lots of time for pictures!

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