News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, October 6, 2014

No matter how gifted we may be, or how choice our language--it is the spirit of our Father that reaches the heart and brings conversion of the divinity of this work! George A Smith

So this week was SOOO great!!!  We totally got to see “meet the Mormons”!!!  :)  My new favorite movie!  I love all the stories they share about their lives and how their faith has sustained them.  I think all the sister missionaries were crying at the end and some of the elders too.  My favorites were the candy bomber and the missionary mom!  I love how the candy bomber shows something that starts out so small with just one person changed the world!  And the missionary mom had such a hard start in life!!  But she rose above the hardships and is a true follower of Christ.  It also clears up a bunch of the Mormon myths that I hear so often out here.  Anyway, I definitely suggest seeing it!  All the proceeds from the movie tickets are being donated to the Red Cross!  So it’s even a great cause!  Anyway, it will eventually be on YouTube, iTunes, and Netflix!  Also, David Archeletta sings Glorious at the end of the movie and it is so great!!!  I love that song!  We are actually listening to it multiple times right now (you can find it online on lds.youth on the music page.  The version is actually sung by Russ Dixon, but it is a beautiful message!). So yeah. Pretty much that movie comes highly recommended from the missionaries in the Winston-Salem, High Point, and Greensboro Zones!  Also, I had a chance to talk to Sister Loosle— Michelle got baptized!!!  She was someone we were teaching just before I left! :) Yay!
Amy's mom is getting taught by the missionaries!!  (Like Amy who got baptized in Summerfield). But the High Point sisters, who also happen to be in our district and are our sister training leaders, are the ones who are teaching her! Anyway, that was my news...Now I can tell y’all about our crazy Monday!
Sister Jorgensen (one of my sister training leaders-
(in my district) and the lovely fish she caught!

Sister Tenney climbing up the Rameumpton!

 The diving platform none of us can jump off

So last week, we had a zone activity in Salisbury (about an hour away from us).  The Colfax Sisters wanted to come with us, so on the way, we stopped at Wal-Mart for the shortest shopping trip of my life, and then we drove about thirty minutes to get them and come back, and then the wonderful Sister Neese drove us and the elders to Salisbury. It was really quite fun! The members who were letting us play in their "backyard" are so great!  They have a lake, horses, a random box car, sand volleyball, etc. etc.!  Super fun!  Except we didn’t leave as soon as we were supposed to, so we had to call our dinner appointment and move it back.  Because once we got home, we had to take the Colfax sisters home, and we ended up driving to Sister Williams and making the elders come get the car there (they needed it to get to a dinner appointment).  And when we got there, we had about 20 minutes to eat and be to our appointment with Danielle and Robert at the Sweat's home.  But once we got there, Sister Williams started heating the soup up over the stove!  Finally, it was warm enough so we ate.  And then she decides to send some home with us.  So she goes looking for a jar.  Once she finds it, she has to wash it out and then slowly pour soup into it... Finally, we get out to the car.  And she starts backing up, except we were barely moving!!  She never actually hit the speed limit the entire time to the Sweats (I had my GPS out to direct her!!  She usually was about half the speed limit!) She was giving us whiplash though!  Cause she'd hit the gas too hard and slam on the brakes and then back to the gas... haha.  Yep.  Fun ride!  And we ended up being almost an hour late for our lesson!
On Friday, we went to go visit Sister Liverman who lives in a rehab center.  And we also went to visit a new sister, Sister Forrester who just got moved there (she is actually from the Summerfield ward!  I never met her though because she was in a rehab place in Siler City -which is about an hour away).  So we got to the door and she was talking on the phone and she goes "You will not believe who just walked in my door!!  Two Mormon missionaries!!  I'll call you back later!"  :) I loved how excited she was to see us!  Anyway, she is bed-ridden and her family disowned her when she was baptized back in 1991.  Such an amazing lady!  While we were there, Sister Forrester asked if we could get a tape measure to measure something for her.  So we went to the nurse’s station looking for one and we got to meet Marilyn!  She had just started working that day and she doesn’t actually live in our area, but we were able to talk to her about the gospel and she agreed to let the sisters come to her home!  As we were leaving, she gave us hugs with tears in her eyes.  I love being a missionary!
Also, wasn’t General Conference great?  I loved the Sunday Morning session!  We were watching it at the Leinbach's home and they had invited their neighbor Lissa over to watch it with them.  It was amazing how the talks were all perfect for her!
Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week! :)
Sorry about the super long email!
Sister Morris

random cow we ride our bikes past all the time

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