News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, October 13, 2014

"The most important thing in this life is a testimony of the truth, and there is no place on earth where you can have the opportunity to get a testimony like the mission field. I know--I have been there" Ezra T. Benson

So this week was super crazy!!  On Friday, we moved to Steeplechase apartments!  We actually had quite a few ward members come to help us! The best part was we all loaded up our cars and headed over to steeplechase.  Only by the time we got to the apartment, it was pouring rain!  So Brother Leinbach was like, guess we'll finish moving y’all tomorrow.  And we were like, WHAT?  Our mattresses are in someone's car!  Oh well.  Sleep over in the front room!  But almost as fast as it started, it stopped, so we got everything unloaded! :)  I am just really glad that it only rained for a little bit!  Really big blessing!
Last Monday, we had lots of fun tie-dying shirts at the church!  Don’t worry-we did it outside! And we all had weird colored fingers after we were done :) we also played chair soccer and I decided playing with Elder Flores is no fun!  He is way too good at soccer!
Also, we were not watching the time...So we went shopping in 6 minutes!! Ha-ha. People in Wal-Mart were probably wondering where the fire was... Since we have moved, we are now even further from the church.  And we used to meet at a library that is pretty close to the church with the elders to do a progress record on Saturdays.  Only now we are really far away...So we found a center point on the map, which just happens to be Taco Bell.  So we totally met at taco bell to do the progress record! :)  Then, right when we were leaving, it started raining!! So we totally stopped at Carolina Oaks (our old apt) and did some cleaning instead of going strait home.  The elders were less lucky-they got soaked!
So we also don't have a washer or dryer yet so we are over at a member's home right now doing laundry.  Sister Whitaker is the best! We are trying to convince the bishop to call her as a ward missionary.
Anyway, Hope y’all are having a great week!

Sister Morris

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