News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Our missionaries are not salesmen with wares to peddle; rather, they are servants of the Most High God, with testimonies to bear, truths to teach and souls to save" Thomas S. Monson

So we had a wedding this weekend.  That was certainly interesting because I haven't ever been to a wedding at a church before.  We helped set everything up the night before, and Lisa asked me to play the piano for their wedding.  So I was like, sure!  I can do that! And I told Sister Tenney that I was going to make her play too (she is really good at the piano).  So 15 minutes before starting time, there are like 2 people in the chapel, but I started playing prelude anyway. And ended up playing for almost an hour!!  Because everyone was really late!!  And I was running out of songs to play!  I kept thinking that we were going to start any minute, but those minutes turned into an hour!  Anyway, Bishop Aagard did a really good job with the ceremony. The closing song ended up being really interesting...We sang love one another for the opening, and then we were struggling to find another hymn that was appropriate....So we ended up going with 154 (Father this hour has been one of joy)  the only problem is, the song was written in a minor key!  And we didn’t realize that when we were looking at it!  Seriously, why would a song with those words be all sad?  Whatever...  And sister Tenney only had to play two songs before she was done with postlude!
Anyway, we got home and the Spanish Elders called us to see if we could come to their baptism and play the piano.  And we were like, we just got home!  But we went anyway, and Sister Tenney played.  Only that ended up back-firing because then they asked me to lead!  So I was up there leading the songs and trying to sing in Spanish.... Yep... I do not know Spanish just in case anyone was wondering.  Hence the trying.... Oh well, I am sure that I was pretty amusing!  It felt like we spent all Saturday at the church...That was pretty crazy!
Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great day!
Sister Morris

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