News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, July 13, 2015

Part of mortality includes detours along the way, storms that slow us down, and obstacles that must be surmounted! Sometimes the miracle doesn't come all at once but by degrees—the process by which we learn patience, submission humility and we become sanctified!

We had MLC this week with our new mission president and since Sister Shepherd is now a sister training leader, she was there too!  :)  It was super fun to see her and talk with her again!  Anyway I played the piano at the meeting and we talked a lot about the power of councils and the vision President Alexander has for the mission.  Sister Alexander is super sweet as well and will often add in parenting advice she has learned from her family :) Since we had MLC, we also had zone meeting this Friday we needed to plan for…only my companion got super sick on Thursday and we ended up having to stay up late to plan.  I think we resembled zombies the next day!!  Ha ha, oh well.  Hopefully we covered it up okay!
Also this week, we talked with Brother Watson during missionary coordination to get ideas for our training on Friday and he pretty much just made us feel really good, talking about how God sends us to the right place at the right time and God uses everything we bring to the table, our strengths but also our weaknesses.  God has everything perfectly planned out and knows what will happen.  Our job is just to learn how to trust the spirit and be willing to act on what he tells us.  We also need to use our personalities to further the work of the Lord.
Also this week, I got to go on exchanges with Sister Grace!!!  My MTC companion!  It was so much fun!  And funny to look back to the MTC where we were totally lost and had no idea what we were doing to now –crazy how much change a year can bring! On the exchange, we visited Tara, who had just broken her foot!  But she refuses to go to the doctors and was getting ready to go cut a splint for it.  Crazy!  We also asked her how her Book of Mormon reading has been going and she is in Mosiah 26!  Wow!  Last time we asked, she was in 1 Nephi!  She talked about how the things it teaches are the same as the bible, but there are also some new things that just make sense.  She is really super prepared for the gospel and is ready to change her life!
As we went to visit Latoya this week, I felt like we should read the Book of Mormon with her.  When we asked her where she was, she said 2 Nephi somewhere.... Yep, 2 Nephi 16, right in the compare Isaiah chapters!  But it was really a super spiritual lesson because she was confused about what had happened to the story line and we were able to answer a lot of her questions.  We also were able to talk about how His hands are stretched out still.  He is always there for us, waiting for us to reach back :) We were also able to watch some of the bible videos I had downloaded during dinner this week.  We were watching the ones about the last supper, the atonement, and the crucifixion.  I really love the bible videos and how they help you feel the spirit!  I am eternally thankful for our savior and his willingness to lay down his life!
Sure love y’all!
Sister Morris

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