News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, July 20, 2015

We are what we believe we are! c.s. lewis

Wow, so much happened this week!  Where to begin???  Last Monday, we had a zone activity at the stake center and it was lots of fun!  We were playing ultimate ball and got so much good exercise that we were totally super sore the next day!  Sister Steimle even got up in the middle of the night to get pain meds!  And then she spent the rest of the week hobbling around like an old woman!  Any time she'd sit down she would stiffen up and then have the hardest time getting up!  :)  I was sore too but not that sore!!
Also this week, we had interviews with President Alexander!  He is such an amazing person to talk to!  He is one of those people who just lights up the whole world with him smile and you find yourself just grinning back at him!  We are super excited to continue working with him! :)
Later in the week, we had a dinner appointment with some members and this particular member is just a little intense and kind of Intimidating.  So we were both worried about the dinner appointment. So we sit down for dinner and start talking. Pretty soon, I notice my companion is just sitting there sawing at her meat with a butter knife and not getting anywhere, so she asked for a sharper knife.  As she begins trying to cut with this knife, she is still making no progress!  So the member finally gets up and cuts Sister Steimle's meat for her!!  I was trying so hard not to just bust up laughing!!!  I just about fell out of my chair!  Meanwhile, the member is just acting like this is a normal occurrence and goes on with the dinner conversation.  So funny!
When we went to see Tara this week, everything was going crazy!  Isn’t is awful how their lives fall apart when they start learning about the gospel??  The opposition is real! Anyway, Ethan comes around the corner with blood streaming down his face!  Turns out he had fallen off his bike and hit a piece of glass!!  And since there was no Band-Aid to be had, they got some paper towels and duct tape for a makeshift bandage (and that is when you know you are in the country!!). They ended up having to take him to an urgent care for stitches!
So Sister Steimle enjoys poking me in the side at unexpected moments.  So one evening during dinner, we ended up having a ticking war before heading off to coordination meeting with our ward mission leader and the elders.  And then during the meeting, she poked me!  I have to admit, it was probably quite funny because I jumped like crazy!  I was totally focused on what Brother Watson was saying!  I had to make myself not laugh.
Also, I played the piano for sacrament meeting again!  I really need to practice the sacrament hymns sometime...  On the plus side, I got to play in primary! The kids are hilarious!  They made an announcement about an upcoming stake activity and one of the kids goes, "can I go?  I love Steak! Especially when it has some pink in the middle!!"  Hehee!
I went to Harrisburg on exchanges this week as well and Sister Buckner and I had a great time!  We met some really strange people at the park like this Asian woman who, not only had a thick accent, but is also obsessed with exercise and was telling us all about it!  I seriously think we were listening to her for at least fifteen minutes!  Every time I would try to end the conversation, she was just not taking the hint!  Haha  I just love how some people never want to stop talking and usually pour out their entire life story to you!  I guess that is just the spirit though—they feel like they can trust us. And really, the Spirit and Heavenly Father are the best people to trust!  It is amazing how you can pour out your worries to God and how the worries just disappear!  I am also thankful for a companion who is around to remind me of that!  Prayer is real and works!
Sure love y’all!

Sister A. Morris
Sister Grace and I are back together--MTC comp

wow, we all stink!  We totally beat the elders in ultimate ball though!

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