Last Monday, we went as a zone to Defy
gravity, the trampoline park. It is actually pretty crazy how much of our
zone stayed the same since last time! There were a few missionaries who
went home and a few missionaries who are being trained in our zone, but pretty
much everyone else stayed the same! On the way home, however, we got stuck
in some crazy traffic from a detour! And ended up having to detour
halfway around our area! Talk about a waste of time and miles! And
then we ended up getting to the store late and having to run around like
crazy! Yep, lots of fun! I was kind of nervous though because there
were three cars that got in an accident and the man behind us was having road
rage issues—was yelling at whoever he was on the phone with and just kept
gesturing around! He finally ended up u-turning and going a different
way. I am really thankful God protects us and keeps us safe even with
crazy drivers around!
Tuesday, we went to the Esklesons to dust. Only it ended up being a lot
harder than that because no one had dusted in a long time and we were cleaning
the kitchen so it was greasy dust caked to things...we were scrubbing at that
for forever! But we were determined to get the job done! She ended
up being able to tell us quite a lot about a less active family we have been
wondering about so that was helpful! Less helpful was the way we smelled
after we walked away...
also had the opportunity to go to dinner at the Ernst's with Carla this
week! We were a little nervous because Sister Ernst texted us and said
that her family was unexpectedly coming into town and since we know she is the
only member in her family, we were a little apprehensive! But it turned
out to be a really amazing experience! Carla felt really comfortable
because there were others who were not members of the church and we had a great
lesson! As we were teaching about the doctrine of Christ, Sister Ernst's
sister Deanne asked some great questions about what we believe in the Book of Mormon.
Instead of us or Sister Ernst answering the questions, Carla answered!
She ended up bearing her testimony about the Book of Mormon and about how it
has been changing her life! :) Deanne actually ended up asking for
a Book of Mormon by the end of the night! Now if only we could get Carla
past the wine thing! She still hasn't had any wine though and she shared
that she had poured herself a glass of wine and then had to pour it out! :)
week, we had an impression that we needed to call some of the sisters in our
zone and found out that one of them was going in for a minor surgery the next
day in Concord! So we made plans to meet them there the next day, we got
there and we were waiting and waiting! We weren't sure if they had
already gone back and we couldn't get a hold of them! We waited for about
an hour and they finally texted us back to say they were still on their
way! Turns out, they went the wrong way and ended up in Albemarle!!
And got to the doctors office super late! They told them that it was too
late to do the surgery and they were going to have to reschedule. The
poor member that drove them felt super bad and the sisters were crying when i
remembered Dr. Aldous (the doctor who was supposed to do the surgery), who also
happens to be a member of the Kannapolis ward was in our phone! So i gave
him a call and told him the situation. He wasn’t sure what he could do
because the room might have already been cleaned up, but he said he would do
what he could. Mean while, the five of us stood around in a circle and
prayed that everything would work out. Shortly after we finished the
prayer, they told us that Dr. Aldous had come back to the office and they would
be able to do the surgery! It is amazing how the Lord works to get
everything in the right place at the right time! He truly looks after us!
we have been having the most impossible time getting a hold of one of our
investigators! first we went over and found out her phone had been
disconnected and she had a new number. So Sister Steimle put that in our
phone but when we texted it, we got back a message that we had the wrong
number. So we finally caught up with her again and tried to figure out
what was wrong. Turns out the number was supposed to be 980 not
908! Then on Saturday, we were texting her to make sure she was coming to
church and got back "will you stop texting me?? You have the wrong
number!" yep… Totally didn't change the number in our phone.
Moral of the story, make sure you have the right phone number!!
couple of weeks back, i shared a story about how Sister Steimle couldn't cut
her pork chops when we were over at the Esklesons for dinner...So this Sunday,
Sister Eskleson was teaching RS and the lesson was about the duties of mothers
and fathers. As she was talking, she mentioned how important it is for
mothers to make sure their kids know how to do basic things like setting a
table…and then she says "and make sure your kids know how to cut
meat!" She vigorously showed us how to cut meat, and i thought I was
going to die laughing!! Sister Steimle thought it was less funny...But
even Sister Watson caught on since we had told her the story and she texted us
"pork chops?!"
church was overall wonderful :) The level of reverence has improved
drastically since the push from the 1st Presidency and the Stake and the talks
about the restoration were wonderful! :) Sister Jackson, a recent convert
of a few years, spoke and at the end, she shared her testimony through
song. I love black people and their willingness to just start singing at
the pulpit! :) I know that the restoration of the gospel truly did
happen, that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that Thomas S. Monson is the
prophet called for us today! :) I love the gospel!
I hope y’all have a wonderful week!
love ya!
umm, let's not go there! |
isn't this little girl so cute? |
She kept giving sister Steimle hugs |