News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, August 10, 2015

“Live every day as if it were going to be your last; for one day you’re sure to be right.” – Harry Morant

This week we have had all kinds of adventures!  We went over to Carla's and she had made a guacamole chip dip, which I refused to try.  I mean green and chunky and slimy?  So not my thing!  Anyway, as we were going forward with the lesson, she turned the lesson to the word of wisdom and told us she had gotten rid of seven bottles of wine and only had about half a bottle left!  Then she said if I tried her guacamole chip dip, then she would pour out the rest of her wine! So I had to try it!  And she poured out her wine!  As I was pondering the experience, I couldn't help but laugh-God really does use our weaknesses and strengths to His advantage!  He can use everything we have!
This week, we also met with Dekoya, a less active in our ward.  As were read the Book of Mormon, we talked about how important following the commandments are and mentioned a few specifics.  When the spirit pricked her heart, she immediately jumped up and grabbed the alcohol from beside her bed and went and poured it down the sink!  Haha, twice in one week!  As we were getting ready to close, gabby (her 2 year old daughter) was running around the room chasing the kitten Jackson. Once she had caught him, she went to sit in her moms lap for the prayer.  As Dekoya prayed, she all of the sudden stopped.  As we opened our eyes to see what was wrong, she was wiping something off her face and smelling her fingers with the most disgusted look on her face ever!  She ran to the bathroom to wash her face off and then came back and was shaking gabby, "this is all your fault!!"  Turns out the cat had sprayed her.  Haha, Sister Steimle and I just could not stop laughing!  She did eventually finish the prayer though.... and she came to church on Sunday!   She did great with participating and is planning on coming back next Sunday!! :)
Also this week, we were sitting outside to teach Sister Drye and I noticed a mosquito had landed on my companion so I smashed it!  Only it had already been drinking her blood so it made a bit of a mess. Kind of gross but Sister Steimle totally freaked out!  She just started going gross gross gross!!!  I even put some hand sanitizer on it and she was still freaking out!  She ended up having to go to the car to clean it up... This week, we had a couple of times where we would knock on a door and then go in to knock again and they would open the door right then! The surprised looks on our faces are probably hilarious!  But hey, people were really nice about it and were all helpful and apologetic.
Sister Steimle spoke in sacrament meeting this week about the sacrament and was kind of stressing out about it all week.  I was just glad I wasn't doing it!  Then at ward council right before church, one of the bishopric went, "oh, about that youth speaker, he's not coming today.... so Sister Morris is speaking!"  Huh???  Yep.  I had to speak in church!  And they wanted me to speak on ordinances!!  Seriously?? I think brother Wheatley saw the panicked look on my face and said, "you can talk about forever families or baptism or something?"  So I picked forever families and then went into sacrament meeting and started playing prelude.  I am sure I looked funny up there playing and trying to find things on my i-Pad at the same time!  I ended up talking about forever families and was doing well until I started coughing and there was something in my throat.  So then my dilemma...keep going?  Or end?  I picked to end with my testimony...haha, I have no idea how long it was!  Probably like four minutes?  Not very long but oh well!  It was also pretty funny because brother Wheatley announced the sister missionaries were speaking and that one had had a month to prepare and one about 30 minutes.  Haha, so then everyone was asking us which had had more preparation than the other.  Quite a few members thanked us both and individually for our talks so I guess it wasn’t too bad!
This week, we went into a cute little chocolate shop on union street and we're talking about all of the chocolates.  Then they started telling us how good their coffee is!  We said we don't drink coffee. So they said they have really great tea.  When we turned that down, they said, we have great wine!  Are y’all both over 21?  At that point we told them we don't drink that either because we are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Then it turns out one of the girls working there has a less active boyfriend who lives in Utah and she is moving there in two months!  She agreed to meet with us!  It is amazing how God leads us to the right places!
Being a missionary is amazing and I love talking with people about the gospel! I hope y’all have a great week and an opportunity to share your love of the Savior!
Sure love y’all!

Sister Morris
companion study

study time

coordination meeting at the watsons

We found a tiny little town so we stopped to eat lunch and take some
epic pictures!  I don't know why there is a roster there...


short lesson on southern pronunciation....this is said water
burger.   Haha I love the south!

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