News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, August 3, 2015

"Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace with difficulties." CS Lewis

here is our zone! 

I like that we are all laughing

Ethan and aiden built a little fort.  Don't you love their
decoration choices? 

me and Tara!  She is super sweet

yeah, how does this even happen?

 Us with Amanda at church!  I love the recent converts in this ward!!

Mt pleasant is super pretty!

the clouds almost look fake!

 this church is really neat and I love the stained glass
that is an 
image of Christ knocking at the door 

This week, we had the great opportunity of going to MLC with president and sister Alexander! :) They are so wonderful and I love learning from them!  Sister Alexander did a really cute training about music where she had us all sing the family is of God together :)  I found out that she used to teach piano and she is really good!
Since we had MLC on Tuesday, we had zone meeting on Friday!  It was lots of fun because we have such a great Zone!  So sad that transfers are coming up on Tuesday!  But it sounds like a lot of us are staying!  Only three of our sisters are leaving and sister Steimle and I are both staying!!  Yay!!!  I didn't see it coming because I was so afraid I would get transferred!  Actually our whole district is staying the same -which is super weird!  First time that has ever happened on my mission.
We had a super great lesson with Carla this week where we had sister Ernst come with us!  It was so amazing to watch the two of them connect over so many things!  It is rewarding when you match up the right member with investigator!  It was also funny because Carla told Sister Steimle she is like a shoulder angel that pops up every time she is bored, telling her to read the book of Mormon :)  yeah, I guess that last lesson was pretty epic!  I was away on exchanges at the time but I think the point got across because she has been reading the Book of Mormon :)
This week was testimony Sunday and Amanda bore her testimony, so did Homer!  It’s so amazing when recent converts share their testimonies and it changes the whole feeling of the meeting! We also had an opportunity to do some service this week for Tara!  The Nunn family actually went over earlier in the morning to help and I guess she was going around telling them she was Mormon :) haha I love her!  She has a mini farm though for real—two horses, piglets, a donkey, chickens, etc.  Her boys always keep us amused! Also this week, we were able to watch the Joseph smith movie and I just love his testimony of the savior!  Our Savior truly lives and loves us and is always watching over us!  Sure love ya!
Sister Morris

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