News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Every time you take someone figuratively by the hand and introduce him or her to Jesus Christ, you will feel how deeply our Savior loves you and loves the person whose hand is in yours." Clayton Christensen

This week has been crazy but lots of fun!   On Monday we stopped to get gas and as we were pulling in, I smiled at a man getting gas.  Then when I got out, he struck up a conversation with me about how my smile let him know I was a believer of Jesus Christ.  Though he didn't end up agreeing to a return appointment, it reminded me how simple things can really make someone's day!
During our lunch this week, we also went to visit a shop in downtown Concord and ended up striking up a conversation with the owner.  It was neat to see how God had put us in the right place at the right time and she was willing to learn more! We also had a RS activity we went to where we were teaching the women how to do a profile and I was shocked at how many didn't even know what they were!  It is such an easy, simple way to share your testimony!  We also had a bunch of other stations where they were able to make conversation starters for their desks at work or in their homes somewhere :)
We got to have dinner with a cute family this week and their son
Aidan was going on and on about minecraft and was showing us his Lego minecraft set and shirt he'd gotten for his birthday.  It was hilarious how serious he was telling us all about mine craft and how you play it!  Little kids are really so impressionable!  I always love singing primary songs with them as well because they are so enthusiastic!   
We went on exchanges with the Matthews sisters this week and I went to their area with Sister Rasmussen!  It was a fun exchange and I really love a lot of the people I have met there!  I have met and taught some of them three or four times now! After exchanges, we were able to stop by Dekoyas in concord, and talk with her.  She asked us about the temple and she ended up getting really excited!  She wants to make some big changes in her life and get her boyfriend involved as well.  She actually got really excited about the idea of not feeling guilty over her sins anymore and I remembered that repentance really is a great thing!  Something to be excited over not dreaded!
We were driving through an apartment complex and saw a women who looked pretty down.  When I smiled at her, she just gave a really sad half smile.  So we drove around and sister Steimle saw what apartment she went in.  We went and knocked on her door to see if she was okay and she was super touched we'd come to see if she was okay and shared she had met with the elders once and would be open to meeting with us! we are really excited to see her again!  I love the power of a smile!!
We went on a hike today so I'm out of time but I love y'all!
Sister Morris

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