News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

"Even those who have received and nourished the word could have the gospel choked out by the 'cares and riches and pleasures of this life'" Luke 8:14


 time for a break!

can we stop smiling yet?

we made it!!

it is so pretty up here!

These dogs are huge!

-yeah not so sure about making fried pies!

exchanges with the Harrisburg sisters!
I went to Harrisburg with 
sister McCollough!

we were waiting for a train!

exchanges with the Spanish sisters!  I went to the Spanish area
with sister Javalera!  This is the cute family we ate dinner with!
(The man on the end isn't related though)

exchanges are so fun!

miss Ashley herself!

Fun fun

This week has been crazy!  Probably because we went on two exchanges and had zone conference!  But it was so amazing and fun!  I just love the missionaries in my zone and I love President Alexander!!!  So on Tuesday, I went to Harrisburg to be with Sister McCullough and had a lot of fun!  We did lots of new things that day like trying figs off a fig tree, making fried pies, and squashing pennies on a train track!  We also talked like Miss Ashley most of the day which was pretty funny!  I just love sweet old people like her!  Probably my favorite moment was when she asked us if we wanted water.  We took one look at the cups and were like, "no!  We're good!"  Haha, they had dirt or something in the bottom of them!  Then when someone called, she says, "sorry!  I can't talk right now!  I have the Mormon girls over here"  It is fun to learn so much from different people we meet though.  She has had such different life experiences than I have but has a deep love for the savior.  I also love just having fun with missionary work!
On Friday, we had zone conference and it was wonderful!  President Alexander gave a training about using the bible and how we need to use the bible to establish common ground and then tie in the Book of Mormon.  So we have started carrying around our bibles too and it has made a huge difference!  We tell people that we read from the bible too, but that doesn't seem to have actually penetrated!  There were a couple people who acted all shocked that we had bibles with us and they just hadn't quite made the connection that we read both!
Sister Alexander also did an amazing training on the power of music! It was so cute because the two of them sang a song for us at the end to show that even if you don't have a great singing voice, you can still bring the spirit!  Music is so powerful!  President Baker, our
stake president, also got to talk with us about members and I just
loved it!  He is an amazing leader in this stake and he is the reason
it sees so much success!  He shared that he had been baptized in that very building as a convert and confirmed on that very stand. It is amazing to think of the huge changes that can come about!
President Alexander is just so amazing too because he always has time for you!  No matter how many interviews he has lined up or things he needs to do, he has the time to sit and talk and see how your doing and I love that about him and Sister Alexander! We also went on exchanges with the Spanish sisters and I went to their area and I was totally nervous about it because I don't speak Spanish! But we ended up teaching about half the lessons in English!  Anyways the picture I sent is of us at dinner with the Cruz family.  Jefferson (he's the young boy in front) just got baptized and sister Cruz is a returning member.  The man on the Side is not her husband but when we got at their house to go to dinner, he was just leaving.  And when he saw the missionaries, he was so excited!  Turns out he is a member! He came here for work two months ago and hadn't been able to find the church until now!  So he came to dinner with us and told all about his story.  Funny moment though, he was super confused about me and asked sister Javalera, "why didn't they teach her Spanish?"  Haha.  She had to explain that I serve in an English Ward.  And she had to translate for me the whole time cause only the kids spoke any English.  It was a lot of fun though!
Also this week, we met with Carla and she was talking about how protective she is when it comes to those she loves and cares about and gave us some examples of beating people up.  Haha—that's when she tells us that she'll beat anyone up who is mean to us!  Watch out North Carolina!  You may just not like that!  We just need her to get baptized so she can come out with us and be a bodyguard!
Anyway, I love y'all!    Hope you have a fantastic week!
Sister Morris
--Oh PS one of the pigs totally broke out of the pen when we were teaching Tara.  Yep.  I cease to be amazed about what happens there!
Something is always unexpectedly popping out!

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