News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, September 21, 2015

"There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated--And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." D&C 130: 21-22

So transfers were this week!  I got asked to play at the transfer meeting which I loved :)...Even though I messed up on our mission song! I just hope everyone was singing loud enough that they couldn't hear! We ended up having Sister Tallent go with us plus driving our own car...we did borrow a bike rack from Brother Howard in our Ward but that thing is the sketchiest bike rack ever!  He was all trying to tell us it holds two bikes but we were like, uh yeah right!  He was even telling us the strap to hold the bikes on is broken but he'd give us a bungee cord.  Haha thanks!  So we drove our car to use the bike rack on it.  But it ended up being a really good thing!  Sisters have so much stuff! Three of us plus all those bags would not have fit in one car!  Anyway, my new companions’ are Sister Blaylock from Spanish Fork and Sister Flaherty from Gilbert, AZ.  They are both really cute and we've been having fun trying to help each other!  I keep repeating stories about people a bunch since they don't remember them yet :)
Also this week, I got asked to do a musical number in sacrament meeting.  The only problem is I have no piano to practice on!  And the church is far away...haha so I messed up at the beginning but ended well!  So that's good!  And bishop gave the best talk!  He is an amazing speaker and he was talking about repentance and asking any who need to, to come talk with him.  It was super powerful! Oh and we got asked to teach gospel principles last minute haha welcome to Concord sisters! Oh and we had what we called an extended ward council meeting Saturday evening!   So all the members of the Ward council and their wives/husbands meet at the church for dinner and then to talk about the Ward afterwards.  Bishop asked us questions like what made the best ward you've ever been in the best? How can we make our Ward the best ward?  It was really neat to see everyone unite!  We all have the same vision!  Plus the free food was great! :) We've also been reminding or teaching people about general conference a lot this week!  I can't believe how fast it is coming up?!!   Wow, where has time gone?  I am so excited for it though!  I've been reading all the talks from last time and love how inspired they are!  Yay for conference!
Anyway, hope y’all are having a great week!
Sure love ya!

Sister Morris
So cute Eva got a hold of my iPad during our dinner appointment 

She started taking pictures!!!  

Haha I think they are so funny and cute!

Here's a selfie we just took with our iPads! Sister Flahery
is in the back and Sister Blaylock is next to me! :)

Me, Sister Stocker, and Yesus- biggest dog ever!
Every time we try to say a prayer, he goes for your face with his tongue!  

This is my wall!  I'm thinking i should
fill up the whole thing!  That would be fun! :)

We love biking!  Not!
This picture was at like 9 in the morning and it was soo hot!!

And this is the elders...They think they are soo funny...

Picture of us with the Dicksons! They are the best!!
I especially love how brother Dickson didn't want to tower over us all!

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