News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, September 28, 2015

"We were taught in the pre mortal world that our purpose in coming here is to be tested, tried, and stretched." Elder Richard G. Scott

This week, we had the opportunity to go to Latoya's funeral and let me tell you, the opening prayer was the funniest thing!  A pastor from another church was the one saying it and he was....very enthusiastic! He was strait up yelling into the microphone at some points!  Haha, I was trying so hard not to bust up laughing!!!  That is for sure not an experience you normally have in an LDS chapel!!  Afterwards he was just telling us how it wasn't him at all but it was the Holy Spirit moving upon him.  I just remember thinking about what a difference there was between him yelling and the feeling when Amanda said the closing prayer.  Huge difference!  Both had the spirit to some degree, but during Amanda's it was so much stronger!  The bishop and Brother Windham spoke and they both did such great jobs!  They talked about the plan of salvation and the pastor was sitting right behind us going, "amen!!  Amen!  Praise the Lord!"  Haha so amusing!  Also pretty distracting though!  My favorite part was when brother Windham said, "God is good" and the entire audience said "all the time!"
 Women's conference was also amazing!  The stake got together before hand and they did a fun little activity.  They started off with one of the men in the stake singing the song about white dresses, don't know if you've heard it before, but it starts with a baby being blessed, then baptism, then wedding and with each part of the song, they had baby Annie in her blessing dress, then a girl and her dad in white, then a lady who recently got married :)  It was so cute!  Then for the activity, they had everyone put a sticky note on their back and we all walked around writing nice things about them :) it was great!
We also got to go on exchanges with Kannapolis sisters and Sister Sandy came here with Sister Blaylock and i.  I love the sisters in the zone! They are so cute :) During stake high council this week, we watched some more of the training on the Sabbath day by the first presidency and apostles.  It was neat to hear the stake leaders and the bishops talk about what can be done to help improve Sundays in the stake.
Anyway, I hope y'all are having a blessed week!
Sister Morris

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Sister Tallent helped us get everything home!

that's a lot of luggage!

so we were teaching Tara and all of the sudden this snake fell
out of the tree we were sitting under and landed in between Sister
Blaylock and I!!!  After it slithered off, we realized there was
another one in the that's what everyone it looking at!

The boys brought the puppies out again.
They love showing off 
their puppies!

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