News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, October 5, 2015

Je m'appelle soeur Morris!

here is the cute family from Guatemala! 

 I feel so tall next to them!

look at the size of this!  Bugs are big here!!

us and Sister McCulloch! :)

look!  It is a Kiwi grape!!! How crazy is that!?
This week, we got to teach a cute French family!  (Hence the title :) I wish I could speak more French but we brought along a member who speaks it.  Stany and Esther are hilarious too because they can't say Blaylock and Flaherty!  Blaylock comes out as blah blah and Flaherty is not even close!  They can get Morris though!  :)  So he was all making fun of my companions' last names and then when they asked his he said "Lukaumwena" haha yeah how are you supposed to pronounce that???
We also have a cute family from Guatemala we got to meet with so we went over there with our ward mission leader Brother Watson.  And my name was the only one they could remember!  Yuri came down the stairs with a huge smile saying, "Sister Morris!"  And gave me a big hug and then told my companions she couldn't remember their names.  At this moment, we looked around and we couldn't figure out where brother Watson had gone!  He'd just like gone into their kitchen or something!  Ha ha we found out he had actually asked to use the bathroom and hadn't just randomly taken himself on a tour of their house :)  so we finally all got sitting down and started with a prayer when we hear a knock at the door.  And guess who walked in?  Yuri's preacher!  Ha ha!  I thought I was going to bust up laughing because I have heard of that happening and always wanted that to happen to me!  And now it has! :)  preacher Juan is super nice but totally didn't speak English so brother Watson had to keep translating both ways the whole time.  At the end of the lesson, both of them agreed to read el libro de Mormon. :)  I got a picture with the family and told them my Sister is serving her mission in Guatemala right now.  They thought that was really neat :)
We went on exchanges with the Harrisburg sisters this week and had a lot of fun!  One of the funny moments was when an investigator asked Sister McCulloch where she is from and in all seriousness she said, "heaven."  I loved that answer!  Because it is so true!  That is our deepest identity, the one that really matters!  It transcends all skin colors and accents and is a simple truth!  We are all brothers and sisters!
This week, we had a mission conference specifically so they could install the black boxes into our cars.  It was an amazing meeting where we talked about family history work and how we can use it more effectively as a finding tool!  I actually got excited about family history!  They also talked about the black boxes aka tiwi.  It is a little box that gives you feedback on your driving.  If you're going too fast, it will tell you to slow down etc.  If you don't slow down in 15 seconds, then you get a mark against you on your record.  You can also get them for stopping too fast, speeding up too fast, etc.  I was pretty worried about it but it really hasn't been bad.  I usually drove the speed limit anyway (or slower if I get stuck behind a North Carolinian! Haha).  Apparently they are making missionaries way safer though.  I guess they had tested them in some missions and missionaries were going over a hundred miles per hour!  So now we are being kept accountable and there are a lot fewer accidents! :) Wasn't General conference amazing?  I love the feeling of conference! We even had a couple of investigators who watched it so that was exciting!  For one of the sessions we were at the Sistrunks with Victoria.  And does she have a ton of questions!  Victoria knows next to nothing about religion, which is so different to teach than those we normally meet!  We've really had to focus on simplifying!  I love going back to the basics though!  Like they said in conference, the gospel is simple!  :)
Anyway I hope y'all have a great week!
Sure love ya!
Sister Morris

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