News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, October 19, 2015

"Worry ends when faith in God begins!"

This week, we went on exchanges with the Kannapolis sisters!  So Sister Grace came here with Sister Flaherty and I :)  the sad thing is we found out that earlier that day, they had been at the church with the elders and one of the elders had punched a basketball into Sister Grace's face!  So she was dizzy and threw up a few times, blurred vision, huge bruise on her face, headache etc.  We did have one appointment Monday evening that we went to and then I could tell there was something wrong with her because she hardly said anything the whole time and she was pretty out of it.  So we went over to Sister Albitz who lives in our complex (and was an EMT for a few years) only she wasn't there!  Luckily, her non-member husband was and he worked in an ambulance for many years so he was able to talk to us about it.  The crazy thing is, he is super shy and never talks to us at all!  So it was kind of a miracle he was talking to us!  Anyway Sister Albitz got home and we were making calls and for a while there, we thought we were going to have to take her to the emergency room. Instead, we just had to wake her up every couple of hours during the night.   She's super nervous her face will still look super bruised and sad!  But hey, God uses even bruised faces and mild concussions to further His work!
This week, we also had a meeting with Elder Kopischke, which is always fun cause he has an accent like Elder Uchtdorf!  The next day, we had a second meeting as an MLC with Elder Kopischke so we didn't want to drive all the way back to concord.  So we went on a mini exchange with the Matthews sisters and slept on their floor!  It was a lot of fun and the member feeding us dinner was super impressive because she fed all five of us dinner!  We were joking that she didn't have to make any more food than she makes for the elders when they come over :) MLC was especially fun because Sister Shepherd and Steimle were there!  Yay!  It is always to fun to see old companions! Also this week we were invited to go to the stake choir practice to sing for stake conference!  It was lots of fun because all the sisters in our zone were there except for Kannapolis :)
This week we got to read the book of Mormon with a lot of people and it was so fun!  I love the spirit that comes when we read together the words of the prophets.  I know the book of Mormon is the word of God and that it makes me happy!
I hope y'all have a fantastic week! Sure love ya!

Sister Morris
Sarah and Kyiah

Sister Grace came here on exchanges!  She can't smile because her
face hurts so much from being slammed in the face with a basketball

we made cupcakes!

sleep over with the Matthews sisters!!

Look who I found at MLC!  Sister shepherd was there,
but she 
escaped before I could get a picture with her!

Kyiah is doing my hair for me... :)

we have been doing FHE with the Williford /Brinson family
lots of fun!

haha I think Jr. Is trying to eat Sarah's leg!  Yum!

 Beverly-- The one that we thought was going to kill us... :)

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