News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, October 5, 2015

"Don´t be too critical of the barrier, it´s the only thing that´s keeping you from being devoured by the sharks." Von G. Keetch

Wow!!! who was blown away by general conference!?! Wasn´t that incredible!? I can hardly remember a time where I felt the spirit more than in every one of those sessions!! It helped that it was in English!! yay!!! I’m so grateful for words of inspired leaders that can get and give direct thoughts from God!! How incredible!! What an opportunity we have to listen to their guidance and apply it in our lives! So the talks that I especially liked: #3 Russell M. Nelson and his talk about women!! Isn’t it amazing the influence that women have today in the world!? As we strive to be covenant keeping women, we influence generations upon generations and every single young women makes a difference!! As we keep a Christ centered home and raise our children with these standards, the impact it has on the world is amazing! We need to be better covenant keeping women, always striving to uplift and comfort others, showing the love and care for others that Jesus Christ has for each one of us! We are His daughters! We have the special opportunity to bring life into this world, and when we are faithful to our covenants we make in the temples of God, we can have these families for eternity! What a great gift!!!
 So #2 was by Von G. Keetch: "Don´t be too critical of the barrier, it´s the only thing that´s keeping you from being devoured by the sharks." wow!!! How powerful!! How many times do we look at laws and commandments of God and think that they are holding us back!? How often do we think, oh, this doesn´t apply to me, I know my bounds, and try to set off on our own course?! I testify that these barriers that the prophets and apostles set for us are for our safety!! Like the revelation that Joseph smith received about the word of wisdom, many were upset and didn’t feel like this commandment applied to them and that it had no impact, and now years later we see how devastating these things are for the body, and for our spiritual well being! How incredible is it that we can receive direct commandments of God through prophets that will keep us safe for this life and prepare us for the eternities!? We need to stop justifying reasons for leaving the boundaries, and stop complaining about them being there. They are for OUR safety from a loving Heavenly Father!!! Sure we don’t always understand the reasoning behind it, and it may seem as though you are the only one staying within these barriers, but I promise you that as you stick to these boundaries, and enjoy the safety they give you, you will be sooo blessed!!!! Because, just outside the barrier there are forces seeking to destroy you, and if you slip out for just a peek, they will grab hold of you and drag you down to destruction!! Do not allow yourself to leave these boundaries! They are put there by a loving heavenly father, who cares so deeply about you, and who is hurt every time something bad happens to us. if you find yourself in temptations, just picture the savior beside you, would you feel comfortable doing these things in his presence!! I love the song that was sung during this conference of "if the savior stood beside you", this song brings back tender memories as it was the song that me and my cousins sang at my baptism almost 12 years ago. Even though the experience at my baptism was a little crazy as we weren´t in sink and ended up messing the song up pretty bad, as we had 25 kids under the age of 14 trying to be the loudest one and thinking they were supposed to be doing a solo, and while one half of the group started early following my lead, and the other half stubbornly started when they were supposed to so the pianist (Lexie) couldn’t follow both groups—the words to this precious song still ring true and touch my heart. if the savior stood beside me, would I do the things I do?! would my words be true and kind if He were never far away!? Brothers and sisters, I testify that Christ is never far away, He is with you always as you invite him and make room for him in your busy lives, and as you are tempted to leave these barriers placed in our lives, just imagine how much the savior loves you, and how sad he feels when we purposefully leave these boundaries and venture into the treacherous waters.
The talk that I loved the most, #1 was by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. WOW!! Isn’t he a powerful speaker!? He can drive the spirit into your heart with every word he says, and he has the ability to make you hang on every word he says!!!! mothers!!! what an important part of our lives our mothers are!! They bring us into this world!! They care for us and are never far away!!! They are there as we grow up, helping us take our first steps, to teaching us how to drive, even if it’s with their eyes closed the whole time!! How often do we take these women for granted?!! I know that as a teenager, I definitely took my mother for granted, and didn’t fully comprehend how much she did for me, and still don’t!!! Although we don´t always have our mothers near our sides, they are always in our hearts!! Their teaching and counsel are always with us, and they shape us and mold us as they can see our divine potential and they know that we are made for better things!!! They offer up their whole lives in the raising and nurturing of their children and how grateful we should be!!! We can´t even comprehend how much love they have for their children, and want the best for us!! How grateful i am for my mother!! For the testimony that she helped me find, and nurture, for the sacrifices she’s made (because we all know its no easy task raising me) and for the love that she shows to me and all of my siblings the whole time!!! Wow!!! i am forever grateful for this incredible example in my life, for her devoted service, and for her love and care in having a Christ centered home, always helping us to see what really matters in life, and what is really important. In the end we can’t take any of these worldly things into the next life, but we can take our families and have them for forever!!! How grateful i am to all mothers everywhere! Thank you for what you do!!!!! With lots of love, appreciation, and adoration, 
Hermana Morris 

Con Amor,

Hermana Morris #3!! 

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