News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!" Dr. Suess

This week, we met an older black lady, who would be perfect for our Ward! And she was willing to have us come back.  So the next day we pull up and Sister Blaylock goes, is that like a lamp I can see through the window?  Looks like we're going to have a séance or something.  So we headed up and saw she had set up a little table with four chairs and a lamp on the middle of the table.  So we all sat down and she asked us if it was okay if she recorded the lesson.  We told her that was okay so she turned it on and started narrating, "it is October the 7th, 2015 and I am here with the Norman girls and we're about to pray!"  I was trying so hard not to laugh at the Norman thing and then she wanted to hold hands for the prayer and I am sure it looked like we were going for a seance!  It really was a good lesson though and she had some great questions for us.  After, we helped her put the table and chairs away and we're looking at some pictures of her family.  She started telling us all about her family and then said, "you won't find any pictures of my husband here, because I killed him.  Just like I'm going to kill you!"  She was looking strait at Sister Flaherty, who backed up, and Sister Blaylock and I were just standing on either side in shock.  She had seemed so normal up to this point!  It was seriously scary to be standing there trying to figure out how to save Sister Flaherty when Beverley was staring her down! After about ten seconds or so of shocked silence she said, "haha just kidding!  I got you though!" And then she started telling us about her ex-husband, who is still alive.  Haha we are still laughing about that one!
Also this week, we went on exchanges with the Matthews sisters!  I went to Matthews and we were on bikes for the day.  Haha, such a good work out!  I loved it though!  Sister Vos and I got to eat dinner with a super cute recent convert- less active.  She fed us chicken and dumplings and let us play with her cute kitty :)  I also managed to get pretty sunburned... Oops!  Wish I'd had sunblock with me!  As we were getting back to concord, we met at a warehouse where a member of the church has a huge distribution service thing she works with.  She has hundreds of Coats, strollers and car seats that she was then distributing to those who need them in the community.  When I got there, she said she needed me to fill in for her on Sunday.  Apparently she was supposed to give a talk.  Nice.  Of course I didn't have any time to plan at all until after we'd gotten home and finished planning for our day, so I was trying to figure out what i wanted to talk about....then we had Ward council the next morning at 7:30.  Haha, so pretty much I was making it up as I went along!  Luckily the topic was the gospel of Jesus Christ and the atonement so I brought a pamphlet up with me :)  everyone said I did a really good job, but I don't really remember it!  Haha.  I just testified of Jesus Christ a lot and of our Heavenly Father and of their love for us.
I hope y'all have a great week!
Sister Morris
here is my crazy district!  Haha

My district

Didn't have time to go home for dinner so we ate at Ihop in
Charlotte!  Aka the international house of prayer :)


My two companions

Sister Halvorsen took us out to eat in one of the cute little
restaurants on union street!

we call this the cheese grater.  No idea why it is in the
middle of 
a cemetery....but we always look for it!

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