News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, September 14, 2015

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1Cor. 15:21-23

So this week has probably been the hardest week on my mission and maybe ever.  On Saturday this week, things just really got crazy and blew up.  It all started as a beautiful day and I was feeling great because I am finally on the tail end of my cold!  I had great studies and was excited for a fantastic day!  About that time, we got a text from Carla telling us that she didn't want to meet with us any more and she'd let us know when she was ready again.  After that, we went to go get wifi and were syncing our iPads and trying to figure out what to do about Carla when we got a call from the Elders.  They said that Sister Watson had called them trying to find out what was going on because Sarah had posted on Facebook something that made it sound like Latoya was dead.  It all seemed like a big joke or something, like it couldn't be real.  We got on Facebook and started seeing that other people had posted things on Latoya's page about how much they would miss her and how she had been on this earth for too short of a time.  We started crying and the elders told us to stay where we were and they'd go over to Latoya's to see what is going on then come tell us.  Luckily we had tissues in the car from our colds because we were both crying and trying to figure out what's going on.  The elders eventually got here and told us it was true.  Latoya passed away Saturday morning at 5:30.  We honestly couldn't stop crying. Eventually the relief society president called us to see how we were doing and said they would come over to give us hugs.  I think they were inspired because they stopped by Sister Dickson's first and brought her along.  She gives really good mom hugs.  We were eventually able to stop crying and get ready to go over to Latoya's house.  I put on waterproof mascara first though.  When we got there, everything was crazy, people everywhere, piles of stuff everywhere. Latoya has always had big dreams and hopes for their little home and has been trying to remodel forever.  So Chris (that's her husband) has decided he is going to finish all of her projects and was having everyone move everything out of the house.  He's really just in shock.
It was hard to see Sarah too because she was trying so hard to hold it together.  The other kids, Sam (11), Julian (7), and Elizabeth (4) are over at their aunts house so we haven't gotten to see them yet.  And all of them have different issues like Sam has Aspergers and Sarah takes medication for depression and Julian has depression issues as well. And Sarah is only 16 but now she is going to have so many responsibilities.  Every time I think about Latoya and her family I just start crying again.  I remember my very first night here in Concord, sister Nielsen told me we were going to be going on splits and I went with Latoya and Sarah.  And we got so lost!  And in the sketchiest part of town ever!  Then we ended up getting to the right house and trying to teach this lady who was totally drunk and racist against white people.  Ha ha -Latoya loved recounting that story to anyone who would listen!  Then I remember we drove back to her house and while we were waiting, just talked and got to know each other.  Ever since that day in February I have visited Latoya and her family at least once a week and usually more like three or four times a week.  I have always imagined staying in touch with Latoya after my mission and coming back to visit them.
Sister Steimle and I really feel the weight of helping this family and helping them apply the gospel in their lives.  Then, that same Saturday in the evening, we got transfer calls.  And Sister Steimle is being transferred.  I honestly think we cried for three or four hours strait.  And apparently I am getting two new companions, neither of which has been a Sister Training Leader before.  It is so hard when things change.  Neither of us thought either of us would be transferred, but I guess we were wrong.  So anyways, pretty much the hardest day ever.  And both of us are bawling our eyes out as we write about Latoya.  Haha I am sure the office people think we are absolutely crazy!
Sunday wasn't much better because Sister Steimle had to say goodbye to everyone.  However, Amanda Johnson (recent convert) was giving a talk and it was amazing!  She talked about how much she loved Latoya and how she knew Latoya would be proud of her for giving this "speech". And she did such an amazing job!  She talked about tithing with so much passion and made eye contact the whole time!  She had just about everyone in tears by the end and the spirit was super strong.  I was also asked to lead the music that Sunday and when we sang the closing song "a poor wayfaring man of grief" I just about lost it up there. Oh and my arm almost fell off cause we did almost all the verses. I just miss Latoya so much and it is hard to not figure she's just in another room when we go over there.  We visited them again after church.  They are trying so hard!  Chris wants to keep the family together no matter what and is trying to step up.  Latoya was always the strong one in the family, the person that holds them all together. I always knew if I turned around and saw Latoya there at church, all of them were there.  We last saw Latoya on Thursday when we went over for a lesson and I just remember hugging her a couple times and telling her how amazing she is and how much I love her.  We were totally there for longer than we were supposed to be but I honestly didn't even feel guilty about it at the time.  Now we know why.  I know Latoya is in a better place and finally not in pain anymore.  She really was in pain all the time and I think she just didn't tell anyone just how bad it was.  The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her either and I remember her once telling us that her organs were shutting down for no reason.  She was only 35.  I am sure she would smack me if she were here for crying so much.  We also found some pictures we had taken with her in them and it is crazy how much they mean to me now.  I just wish I'd taken more pictures!  Things can change so quickly and then it is too late.  So we have also been taking tons of pictures and videos of just about everything.  Like we went over to our ward mission leaders home and the elders ended up showing up as well since Elder Prestwich is getting transferred.  We were just laughing and talking and taking a ton of pictures. It has been so fun to all be together for three transfers!  Watching Sister Steimle saying goodbye to everyone and everything hurts.  I feel like I am saying goodbye to my best friends, Sister Steimle and Latoya.
Anyway, this is getting really long and is probably fairly depressing. Sorry about that!  I really do love being on a mission and I love my Concord family.  I know God lives and He is truly looking out for us. I have seen so many of His tender mercies in the last couple of days! He loves Latoya's family and He loves me and He loves you!  His hand is in everything and even though trusting can sometimes be hard, He sees the bigger picture!
I sure love y'all!
Sister Morris

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