News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world." Holland

So it has been a great week!  Really hot though!  It is definitely getting hotter!  It needs to rain so that it cools down! Anyway, we have the cutest little family of Canadian geese living in the pond outside our back door!  The little baby one is so cute!  And there is a ton of other wild life here!  (Though a lot of what we see is road kill...yum).  But we almost hit three deer the other day!  It was crazy that they were going across the road right there!  Maybe they were going to go shopping...
The frogs drive Sister Perea crazy at night!  She keeps talking about putting bleach in the pond... Actually, they are kind of annoying...I didn't know frogs sounded like that!  They sound like little dogs yapping...Seriously, the first time I heard them I was like, is there a dog outside our apartment??
Anyway, sorry I haven't been sending any pictures, but I don't have any way to get them from my camera to my i-pad right now.  And we just figured out about two weeks ago that we are not supposed to use our i-pads for pictures and that we never actually were supposed to...only no one knew that...
So crazy moment of the week...One of our new investigators (an older gentleman) texted us and asked Sister Perea to go on a motorcycle ride with him...And was way offended when she wouldn’t!  We handed him over to the elders ASAP!  And then he called us, but we missed it...So Sister Perea made me call him back because she did Not want to talk to him...Not that I wanted to either!  Good thing he didn't answer!
Also this week, we went street contacting in Battleground park with the elders and Elder Lindsay nearly stepped on a snake.  And then he did step on a lizard.  And then he kicked a snake! (which totally scared me because I was right behind him and that snake was NOT happy!)  Yeah, I did not walk behind him after that!!
Anyway, I hope you all have a fabulous week!

Love, Sister A. Morris

Monday, May 19, 2014

Life is a test...It is only a test--

.....meaning, thats all it is.  Nothing more, But nothing less.  It is a test of our convictions and priorities, our faith and faithfulness, our patience and resilience, and in the end, our ultimate desires.  it is a test to determine if we want to be part of the kingdom of God more than we want anything else.....Sheri Dew
        So random moment of the week.  We were standing outside waiting for our ride to pick us up and we see a guy walking down the sidewalk, totally engrossed in his phone.  As he is walking along, he is moving towards a bird, which he then proceeds to step on (true story!).  The bird wasn't very happy and it quickly flew away.  And the man went back to his phone like nothing had happened!  It is like the Holy Ghost: if we are on electronics, etc. all the time, we don't notice the Holy Ghost!  And when we end up stepping on him (ignoring promptings) he is forced to leave us.
 Anyway, there are so many people related to each other in the Summerfield ward it is crazy!  Also, I figured out that sister Bagley has a mom who teaches at NLJH (Mrs. Wilcoxen)!  What are the chances!?  Also, the Layton family here is related to the founders of Layton, so people are always asking me if I'm related.  Yeah, no.
On Sunday, I got to play the piano for primary!!!  It was so fun!  We did songs like the family is of God, the snowman song, and Jesus wants me for a sunbeam! --It was hilarious!  Especially when they were making comments during the lesson.... Also, we had lunch at the story's house the other day and their kids were so cute!  Padrigh (3) and Nathanyel (who is 5 and yeah, different spellings for all of their kids!) grabbed my hands and proceeded to show me all of their toys.  They pulled out all their jets, trucks, and dinosaurs!  Yeah. They probably had a lot of cleaning up to do after we left!  They were way cute though!  Also, we went bowling last pday... Yep.  I just love bowling (not!). And we totally bowled for two hours!  I was done bowling about three minutes in and we stayed for two hours!  Oh well.  I'm over it.
Anyway, I love you all! 
Sister A. Morris


Monday, May 12, 2014

We cannot convert anyone beyond our own conversion!

So on Mondays, p-day, we got to go shopping and I got a pillow!  Yes! I am so excited!  We also had to go to a car wash to wash the car.  So we pull up and sister Perea has me hand her her wallet so she can pay. After she finishes paying, she hands me her wallet and pulls forward. So the car wash starts going and all of the sudden, sister Perea starts screaming...she forgot to roll up the window!  Also, sister Perea nearly stepped on a snake and a frog this week!  She really needs to watch where she is stepping!  She was freaking out over the snake though.  It was pretty big!  She also hates bugs, bees in particular.  So when one got into our apartment, she used about a half a can of raid on the poor thing.  And got it all over our window.  Well, the good thing is that wasp is definitely dead.
This week, we got to do service for one of our investigators.  So we went outside to cut his really high grass.  Only sister Perea and I
weren't very useful because the elders got the lawn mower and the weed wacker...and we got a rake.  Yep. Very useful for cutting grass.
This week we got dropped off at an investigator's house and elder and sister Reidhead were going to meet us there so we figured we'd get a ride home with them...until they canceled.  As we wrap up the lesson, it is starting to sprinkle a little bit, but we were like hey, a little rain won't hurt us!  Our investigator did want to drive us home, but unfortunately he can't...  So we are walking along and it starts raining a little harder, but no biggie.  We'll just be a bit wet for dinner.  Then the rain stops!  So we are like, cool!  It was just a short shower!  Yep.  Wrong!  About five minutes later, the sky is pouring down on us!  And we are still two miles from our apartment!  In seconds we were drenched!  And then lightning hits a power line up the road from us and the power boxes start exploding.  And sister Perea freaked out and started running.  So I take off after her and we go up to a random house and knock on the door.  And this sweet couple lets us in, gives us towels, and takes us home.  So that was a fun adventure!  Those poor people probably thought we were crazy! With our makeup dripping down our faces and everything.  Yep.  We're going back to teach them on Monday or Tuesday…all is well that ends well.
Also this week, we went to an appointment with sister Lawrence and she brought cute Penelope along.  So the guy we were going to teach wouldn't answer the door, so we had to leave again.  And Penelope so did not want to be In the car again, so she started crying.  So we decided she was crying because that guy wasn't going to let us save his soul.  Also, Penelope really likes stealing my owl necklace!  It is so Long on her it goes to her knees! Anyway, I loved talking to my family on Mother's Day!  Thank you all for being great!
Lots of love,
Sister Morris

This was from last sidewalks to ride on in this area though...

It's raining!! this was right before we got drenched in ten seconds flat.

I love this kitty! Only when i got in the car
the cat followed me and sister Perea just about ran her over!

This is such a pretty kitty!
I really want this lady to let us in cause apparently she has lots of cats

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

If you haven't much to be thankful for, be thankful for what you don't have.

Something I learned this week:  so laman and Lemuel did the same
things as nephi-they left Jerusalem, they went back for the plates, they helped build the boat, and went to America.  So why weren't they like nephi?  Because their attitudes were awful!  Attitude is everything!
Finally here in North Carolina!  It is so green and beautiful here! (And humid!  Luckily not too hot yet). My companion is sister Perea from Arizona and she is amazing!  
And people are super friendly here!  They also really like making me pray because I'm the newbie....And when I tell people I'm from Utah, everyone groans!  Seriously!  No joke!
Anyway, we've taught lots of people and had one storm (luckily we were inside!) And the members are so nice here!  Everyone hugs ands says "I love you."  It's super great!
Funny story: so we're driving back to our apartment from the transfer meeting with two bikes on the back of Shelby's car.  And then all of the sudden Shelby is like "I have to pull over.  The bike rack just broke!"  So we pull over, get out, and then the three of us are on a busy interstate pulling the bikes off the back.  So we are all standing around trying to figure out what to do and we eventually call elder and sister Reidhead.  Then we start trying to make the bikes plus my two huge suitcases fit into the trunk and backseats.  We eventually got one in, but there was no way another one would fit.  So while we are waiting, a police car pulls up behind us to see what's going on...awkward!  The Reidheads eventually get there and they put my bike on the back (the third bike on their car) and then realize the tire will have to come off so the tire won't hit the road.  So we take the tire, and they take the rest of the bike...
It was a while until the tire got reconnected and we still don't have the brake connected!   Oh well...guess I don't really need the front brake.
So random fact of the day... Apparently, the area I'm in is one of the top five places in the United States for allergens!  Yeah for Greensboro!  And my poor companion has allergies!  (And just about everyone I've met). So one day we were walking to our dinner appointment and she was sneezing like crazy!  Don't worry though.  We have a car for this week and next. (Three of us share two cars).
Oh and my ward/area is Summerfield!  And we've had dinner every night so far!  I think my favorite was with the Bridge family!  Their cute son Riley wanted me to pick him up really badly, and I totally couldn't!  So sad!
Also, the flowers are so beautiful here!  I really need to get some pictures of the flower bushes!  So I totally loved our dinner appointment with cute sister Powsowski who gave us a bag of bunny shaped marshmallows and told us we need to eat one a day so we'll be "hoppy" :) that definitely makes me happy! Also, an investigator came to church on Sunday and he liked it so much, he changed his availability at work so he could come every Sunday!

Hope y'all are having a fantastic week!

Sister Morris