News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, May 19, 2014

Life is a test...It is only a test--

.....meaning, thats all it is.  Nothing more, But nothing less.  It is a test of our convictions and priorities, our faith and faithfulness, our patience and resilience, and in the end, our ultimate desires.  it is a test to determine if we want to be part of the kingdom of God more than we want anything else.....Sheri Dew
        So random moment of the week.  We were standing outside waiting for our ride to pick us up and we see a guy walking down the sidewalk, totally engrossed in his phone.  As he is walking along, he is moving towards a bird, which he then proceeds to step on (true story!).  The bird wasn't very happy and it quickly flew away.  And the man went back to his phone like nothing had happened!  It is like the Holy Ghost: if we are on electronics, etc. all the time, we don't notice the Holy Ghost!  And when we end up stepping on him (ignoring promptings) he is forced to leave us.
 Anyway, there are so many people related to each other in the Summerfield ward it is crazy!  Also, I figured out that sister Bagley has a mom who teaches at NLJH (Mrs. Wilcoxen)!  What are the chances!?  Also, the Layton family here is related to the founders of Layton, so people are always asking me if I'm related.  Yeah, no.
On Sunday, I got to play the piano for primary!!!  It was so fun!  We did songs like the family is of God, the snowman song, and Jesus wants me for a sunbeam! --It was hilarious!  Especially when they were making comments during the lesson.... Also, we had lunch at the story's house the other day and their kids were so cute!  Padrigh (3) and Nathanyel (who is 5 and yeah, different spellings for all of their kids!) grabbed my hands and proceeded to show me all of their toys.  They pulled out all their jets, trucks, and dinosaurs!  Yeah. They probably had a lot of cleaning up to do after we left!  They were way cute though!  Also, we went bowling last pday... Yep.  I just love bowling (not!). And we totally bowled for two hours!  I was done bowling about three minutes in and we stayed for two hours!  Oh well.  I'm over it.
Anyway, I love you all! 
Sister A. Morris


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