News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, May 12, 2014

We cannot convert anyone beyond our own conversion!

So on Mondays, p-day, we got to go shopping and I got a pillow!  Yes! I am so excited!  We also had to go to a car wash to wash the car.  So we pull up and sister Perea has me hand her her wallet so she can pay. After she finishes paying, she hands me her wallet and pulls forward. So the car wash starts going and all of the sudden, sister Perea starts screaming...she forgot to roll up the window!  Also, sister Perea nearly stepped on a snake and a frog this week!  She really needs to watch where she is stepping!  She was freaking out over the snake though.  It was pretty big!  She also hates bugs, bees in particular.  So when one got into our apartment, she used about a half a can of raid on the poor thing.  And got it all over our window.  Well, the good thing is that wasp is definitely dead.
This week, we got to do service for one of our investigators.  So we went outside to cut his really high grass.  Only sister Perea and I
weren't very useful because the elders got the lawn mower and the weed wacker...and we got a rake.  Yep. Very useful for cutting grass.
This week we got dropped off at an investigator's house and elder and sister Reidhead were going to meet us there so we figured we'd get a ride home with them...until they canceled.  As we wrap up the lesson, it is starting to sprinkle a little bit, but we were like hey, a little rain won't hurt us!  Our investigator did want to drive us home, but unfortunately he can't...  So we are walking along and it starts raining a little harder, but no biggie.  We'll just be a bit wet for dinner.  Then the rain stops!  So we are like, cool!  It was just a short shower!  Yep.  Wrong!  About five minutes later, the sky is pouring down on us!  And we are still two miles from our apartment!  In seconds we were drenched!  And then lightning hits a power line up the road from us and the power boxes start exploding.  And sister Perea freaked out and started running.  So I take off after her and we go up to a random house and knock on the door.  And this sweet couple lets us in, gives us towels, and takes us home.  So that was a fun adventure!  Those poor people probably thought we were crazy! With our makeup dripping down our faces and everything.  Yep.  We're going back to teach them on Monday or Tuesday…all is well that ends well.
Also this week, we went to an appointment with sister Lawrence and she brought cute Penelope along.  So the guy we were going to teach wouldn't answer the door, so we had to leave again.  And Penelope so did not want to be In the car again, so she started crying.  So we decided she was crying because that guy wasn't going to let us save his soul.  Also, Penelope really likes stealing my owl necklace!  It is so Long on her it goes to her knees! Anyway, I loved talking to my family on Mother's Day!  Thank you all for being great!
Lots of love,
Sister Morris

This was from last sidewalks to ride on in this area though...

It's raining!! this was right before we got drenched in ten seconds flat.

I love this kitty! Only when i got in the car
the cat followed me and sister Perea just about ran her over!

This is such a pretty kitty!
I really want this lady to let us in cause apparently she has lots of cats

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