News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

If you haven't much to be thankful for, be thankful for what you don't have.

Something I learned this week:  so laman and Lemuel did the same
things as nephi-they left Jerusalem, they went back for the plates, they helped build the boat, and went to America.  So why weren't they like nephi?  Because their attitudes were awful!  Attitude is everything!
Finally here in North Carolina!  It is so green and beautiful here! (And humid!  Luckily not too hot yet). My companion is sister Perea from Arizona and she is amazing!  
And people are super friendly here!  They also really like making me pray because I'm the newbie....And when I tell people I'm from Utah, everyone groans!  Seriously!  No joke!
Anyway, we've taught lots of people and had one storm (luckily we were inside!) And the members are so nice here!  Everyone hugs ands says "I love you."  It's super great!
Funny story: so we're driving back to our apartment from the transfer meeting with two bikes on the back of Shelby's car.  And then all of the sudden Shelby is like "I have to pull over.  The bike rack just broke!"  So we pull over, get out, and then the three of us are on a busy interstate pulling the bikes off the back.  So we are all standing around trying to figure out what to do and we eventually call elder and sister Reidhead.  Then we start trying to make the bikes plus my two huge suitcases fit into the trunk and backseats.  We eventually got one in, but there was no way another one would fit.  So while we are waiting, a police car pulls up behind us to see what's going on...awkward!  The Reidheads eventually get there and they put my bike on the back (the third bike on their car) and then realize the tire will have to come off so the tire won't hit the road.  So we take the tire, and they take the rest of the bike...
It was a while until the tire got reconnected and we still don't have the brake connected!   Oh well...guess I don't really need the front brake.
So random fact of the day... Apparently, the area I'm in is one of the top five places in the United States for allergens!  Yeah for Greensboro!  And my poor companion has allergies!  (And just about everyone I've met). So one day we were walking to our dinner appointment and she was sneezing like crazy!  Don't worry though.  We have a car for this week and next. (Three of us share two cars).
Oh and my ward/area is Summerfield!  And we've had dinner every night so far!  I think my favorite was with the Bridge family!  Their cute son Riley wanted me to pick him up really badly, and I totally couldn't!  So sad!
Also, the flowers are so beautiful here!  I really need to get some pictures of the flower bushes!  So I totally loved our dinner appointment with cute sister Powsowski who gave us a bag of bunny shaped marshmallows and told us we need to eat one a day so we'll be "hoppy" :) that definitely makes me happy! Also, an investigator came to church on Sunday and he liked it so much, he changed his availability at work so he could come every Sunday!

Hope y'all are having a fantastic week!

Sister Morris

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