News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, September 29, 2014

There is no joy that can compare with that of a missionary who has been made the instrument for the salvation of a soul. -- Orson F. Whitney

So this week, we got a frantic text from one of our less-actives telling us that her girls had lice and could we come help her clean? So we went to help her clean her house and her girls, Emma and Ana LOVE the missionaries!  Anytime they see us, they run up for hugs. Only they have lice.  I did NOT want a hug from them!  And they were running around like crazy and jumping around and when we finally left, we were sure we had lice.  So far, no sign of any but I feel a little paranoid...
Also strange moment of the week, so we went to go visit a sister in our ward who is in a rehabilitation center.  And as we were visiting, a doctor came in and it was really strange because it was Brother Merrell from Summerfield!  Super strange to see him there!  But I guess he had recognized me and come to say hi.
And I loved the women’s meeting!!  So amazing!  I loved the primary girls singing in Korean!  And I was sitting next to Christelle (she is a recent convert that moved to our ward.  She is from the Congo and speaks French and only a little English) and thought that having sisters from around the world talk about temples in different languages was really neat.  Christelle really perked up when they were speaking in French!
We also had a really great lesson this week with Danielle.  We met at the Hamilton’s home (the sweetest old couple ever!) and talked about obedience, pray often, and scripture study.  It was amazing how much the spirit was there!  When we meet in a home centered in Jesus Christ instead of a smoke-filled apartment, there is a huge difference!
I hope y’all are having a blessed week!

Sister Alexia Morris
Went to cookout-their shakes are pretty good!

Stroller...So we got it from former investigators
who we helped move, but it smelled awful- 
So we took it apart, washed it and managed 
to get it back together!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Begin on the person living next door by inspiring confidence in him, by inspiring love in him for you because of your righteousness , and your missionary work has already begun. - President George Albert Smith

So funny moment of the week.  We were over at an investigators house for a lesson and she had heard in relief society that they were collecting old church magazines for an activity.  So she pulled out a bunch of watchtowers and gave them to us!  So if her neighbors thought we were jehovah's witnesses before, now they know for sure! :) We also helped a family move from a small apartment to a slightly larger apartment.  And they had soo much stuff!!  I honestly have no idea how they had that much junk stuffed into their tiny apartment! It was amazing!  And Nyema had this 50 year old television (so not a flat-screen) that was super enormous!  I think it weighs more than me and my companion put together!  Yep...The elders had fun with that one! And it was a huge pain to lift everything over the banister! All the chest-of-drawers and beds and everything.  Yep.  We had fun!
Also, we have a brother in our ward who is like Monk!  Last Sunday, he wore a glove to church so he could shake people's hands! :)  It was really great.  He is such a sweet man!  I loved how excited he was to shake everyone's hands!  The elders also had a chance to take him teaching with them this week and they said he is an amazing teacher!
We went to visit Sister Liverman at the rehab center the other day and her door was closed so we were waiting in the hallway for quite some time, talking to one of the nurses.  And there was a cute little old man in a wheelchair by her, just sitting there.  Then another nurse came to get residents for dinner and he didn’t want to leave but she kept reassuring him that she would still be there. After he left, she told us that he used to be a police officer and that he had been guarding her all day, telling her that he would keep her safe.  So cute! :) We had zone conference this week with President and Sister Craven and they told us that we would all get to see Meet the Mormons! :)  Not gonna lie, I am super excited!  I think it is amazing that the church is putting out a movie to show people how normal we are!  Because so many people think we have multiple spouses and horns and don’t drink soft drinks, etc! Also, we were out finding on foot and there was a cute old couple sitting on their porch.  So we went to talk to them.  They were not interested at all, but they had us sit down and rest and gave us water. :)  I love people!
Every Saturday, we meet with the elders at the library to update our progress record and what not, so on Friday, we were texting them to see when would work for them.  They said "11:30?" and we already had plans for that time so we were talking about it and we asked them, "Do you know what time the library closes?"  Their response? "We meant AM not PM" haha.  Love texting!  Seriously elders!  We will all be asleep by 11:30 at night!
Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week! :)
Sister Morris

So this is our car Toothless.  Poor thing!
Still, very easy to find in a parking lot!
Apparently the Spanish elders were driving down the
freeway and a random tire was rolling down their lane...
And they hit it.

Sister Tenney
my awesome companion!
random acorn that just felt like being multiple colors...:)

Monday, September 15, 2014

"The missionary work of the Latter-day saints is the greatest of all the great works in all the world." Heber J. Grant

So this week, we had an amazing opportunity to have a mission tour with Elder Wilson (an area 70) and his wife.  For 9 hours, we talked about the Book of Mormon and how we can use it better to help people gain testimonies.  It was amazing!  Sister Wilson showed us how 1 NE 1 teaches all the principles of the Restoration (like God has a body of flesh and bones-God Sitting on his throne vs 8, and Lehi has a vision like Joseph Smith's so you can bring up the first vision, Lehi is given a book to read so you talk about the Book of Mormon, and it talks all about how new prophets are called and gospel dispensations, etc).  And they challenged us to read the first 15 chapters of the Book of Mormon with investigators and then to have members finish the book with them.  So we have started reading the Book of Mormon with investigators and it has been amazing!  It is a great review and we can remind them of principles we taught them.  Also, teaching them how to apply the scriptures in their life is really powerful!  
Danielle (one of our great investigators) got really excited about how much she is like Lehi and how the verses apply to her!  We actually didn't even make it all the way through the first chapter with her because we were talking so much about each verse! After we had lunch, Elder Wilson was having us do trailers about 1 NE 3-5.  And then he had some of the groups do it.  It was hilarious! Everyone was really creative!  My favorite was a group that used the Because of Him video (it is a bible video and it is huge in our mission- I think I have seen it at least 50 times).  So they had a narrator and he changed the words a bit  (like "he was the son of a prophet" and "because of Him-we have the Book of Mormon and we can read it again, and again, and again", etc.)  Best part was when there is an epic climax in the music and he cut off Laban's head and stole his missionary badge. So that is probably one of those, you had to be there to see how funny it was.
Also this week, a member took us out to a Japanese steak house for lunch and they prepared it right in front of us!  It was really fun! :)  And sister Witaker is so great!  She has an amazing testimony and is really enthusiastic about sharing it with everyone!
Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week! :)  Sister Morris

Sister Tenney (comp) & Neese,
She is the best ward missionary ever!
Except she just got released-new YW president.
But weird moment, I know her mom and dad in-law!
They live in lakefield and I used to visit them
because sister Neese is less-active.

This is Cute Cora! Her mom is RS president-
 we made a headband out of pipe-cleaners. 
       So last p-day we played soccer!
   After, we were trying to take pictures,
     only 3 cameras at the same time??
  Yeah, doesn't work--some hilarious pics!
Elder Coronado (spanish elder), Elder Pitt (Lakefield elder),
Sister Tenney, Elder Flores (spanish elder)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Everyone gives their life for what they believe but some believe in little or nothing and give up their life for that. One life is all we have and we live it as we believe. --Joan of Arc

Lindsay family- Claire and
Evalynn drew me get well cards!
At the shepherds!

           sweet sister Flores and I

       failed selfie!

Farewell sister Loosle!
I got transferred to Lakefield ward in the high point stake—so I am actually still in Greensboro and really close to my last area.. My new companion is from Mesa Arizona and she is the best!  Her name is Sister Tenney and our apt is ginormous!!!  Like four times the size of my last one!  We each have our own bathroom and we have three beds that easily fit in one room and a whole room for studies!!
So we went to the transfer meeting on Tuesday and then we had exchanges on Friday and Saturday!  I stayed in Lakefield! It was super crazy cause at this point I know next to nothing about the area. Really fun, but super crazy!  Luckily, sister Jorganson served here before so she knew her way around.  But her new companion sister Perez also had to take charge of her new area!  So we were just all lost together.
Oh, and sister Perez knows the Rasmussens.  Random!  She was talking about hunter and asking about Aleni and it was just strange to meet someone who knows them!  We actually had a bunch of members come out with us because it is our bike week and I am not good at biking again yet.  One handed biking is really hard!  We biked to the library for Internet on Saturday and I couldn't change the gears or break very well, and my chain fell off my bike!  So I looked around and there was a car with a bunch of bike stickers on the back so we went and knocked on the door. And a teenager opened and we asked him if anyone there knew about bikes and he was like, no.  So we went back to our bikes, then the dad came out and fixed my bike up for me and told me I need to take it into a bike shop... So we will have to find one at some point... We eventually made it to the library and I didn't crash or anything.  :)
Everyone was asking about my bandages on Sunday and joking that sister Tenney and I had gotten into a fight already.... So I guess I lost the fight.  :)
Anyway, it has been really great to get to know some of the members here!  They are really great!  On Thursday, we had dinner with Bishop Asgard and his family and one of our investigators, Danielle, and one of the elder's investigators came over.  It was Julietta's first birthday (Danielle's Daughter) so we had chocolate cupcakes and Julietta made a mess—then we had a really great lesson about the sacrament!  It was so nice to have the lesson in a member’s home because the spirit was already there.
Also, our ward mission leader, brother Leinbach, is so great!  He is super involved with missionary work and is excited about it.
Anyway, I hope y'all are having a great week!

Sister A. Morris
Transfers!  Shelby is the first person I met in 
the Summerfield ward and she drove us to transfers.
I love Her!  She is the best!