News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, September 15, 2014

"The missionary work of the Latter-day saints is the greatest of all the great works in all the world." Heber J. Grant

So this week, we had an amazing opportunity to have a mission tour with Elder Wilson (an area 70) and his wife.  For 9 hours, we talked about the Book of Mormon and how we can use it better to help people gain testimonies.  It was amazing!  Sister Wilson showed us how 1 NE 1 teaches all the principles of the Restoration (like God has a body of flesh and bones-God Sitting on his throne vs 8, and Lehi has a vision like Joseph Smith's so you can bring up the first vision, Lehi is given a book to read so you talk about the Book of Mormon, and it talks all about how new prophets are called and gospel dispensations, etc).  And they challenged us to read the first 15 chapters of the Book of Mormon with investigators and then to have members finish the book with them.  So we have started reading the Book of Mormon with investigators and it has been amazing!  It is a great review and we can remind them of principles we taught them.  Also, teaching them how to apply the scriptures in their life is really powerful!  
Danielle (one of our great investigators) got really excited about how much she is like Lehi and how the verses apply to her!  We actually didn't even make it all the way through the first chapter with her because we were talking so much about each verse! After we had lunch, Elder Wilson was having us do trailers about 1 NE 3-5.  And then he had some of the groups do it.  It was hilarious! Everyone was really creative!  My favorite was a group that used the Because of Him video (it is a bible video and it is huge in our mission- I think I have seen it at least 50 times).  So they had a narrator and he changed the words a bit  (like "he was the son of a prophet" and "because of Him-we have the Book of Mormon and we can read it again, and again, and again", etc.)  Best part was when there is an epic climax in the music and he cut off Laban's head and stole his missionary badge. So that is probably one of those, you had to be there to see how funny it was.
Also this week, a member took us out to a Japanese steak house for lunch and they prepared it right in front of us!  It was really fun! :)  And sister Witaker is so great!  She has an amazing testimony and is really enthusiastic about sharing it with everyone!
Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week! :)  Sister Morris

Sister Tenney (comp) & Neese,
She is the best ward missionary ever!
Except she just got released-new YW president.
But weird moment, I know her mom and dad in-law!
They live in lakefield and I used to visit them
because sister Neese is less-active.

This is Cute Cora! Her mom is RS president-
 we made a headband out of pipe-cleaners. 
       So last p-day we played soccer!
   After, we were trying to take pictures,
     only 3 cameras at the same time??
  Yeah, doesn't work--some hilarious pics!
Elder Coronado (spanish elder), Elder Pitt (Lakefield elder),
Sister Tenney, Elder Flores (spanish elder)

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