News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, September 8, 2014

Everyone gives their life for what they believe but some believe in little or nothing and give up their life for that. One life is all we have and we live it as we believe. --Joan of Arc

Lindsay family- Claire and
Evalynn drew me get well cards!
At the shepherds!

           sweet sister Flores and I

       failed selfie!

Farewell sister Loosle!
I got transferred to Lakefield ward in the high point stake—so I am actually still in Greensboro and really close to my last area.. My new companion is from Mesa Arizona and she is the best!  Her name is Sister Tenney and our apt is ginormous!!!  Like four times the size of my last one!  We each have our own bathroom and we have three beds that easily fit in one room and a whole room for studies!!
So we went to the transfer meeting on Tuesday and then we had exchanges on Friday and Saturday!  I stayed in Lakefield! It was super crazy cause at this point I know next to nothing about the area. Really fun, but super crazy!  Luckily, sister Jorganson served here before so she knew her way around.  But her new companion sister Perez also had to take charge of her new area!  So we were just all lost together.
Oh, and sister Perez knows the Rasmussens.  Random!  She was talking about hunter and asking about Aleni and it was just strange to meet someone who knows them!  We actually had a bunch of members come out with us because it is our bike week and I am not good at biking again yet.  One handed biking is really hard!  We biked to the library for Internet on Saturday and I couldn't change the gears or break very well, and my chain fell off my bike!  So I looked around and there was a car with a bunch of bike stickers on the back so we went and knocked on the door. And a teenager opened and we asked him if anyone there knew about bikes and he was like, no.  So we went back to our bikes, then the dad came out and fixed my bike up for me and told me I need to take it into a bike shop... So we will have to find one at some point... We eventually made it to the library and I didn't crash or anything.  :)
Everyone was asking about my bandages on Sunday and joking that sister Tenney and I had gotten into a fight already.... So I guess I lost the fight.  :)
Anyway, it has been really great to get to know some of the members here!  They are really great!  On Thursday, we had dinner with Bishop Asgard and his family and one of our investigators, Danielle, and one of the elder's investigators came over.  It was Julietta's first birthday (Danielle's Daughter) so we had chocolate cupcakes and Julietta made a mess—then we had a really great lesson about the sacrament!  It was so nice to have the lesson in a member’s home because the spirit was already there.
Also, our ward mission leader, brother Leinbach, is so great!  He is super involved with missionary work and is excited about it.
Anyway, I hope y'all are having a great week!

Sister A. Morris
Transfers!  Shelby is the first person I met in 
the Summerfield ward and she drove us to transfers.
I love Her!  She is the best!

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