News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, September 1, 2014

You don't have to face temptation alone, and you never have. Just remember that He is with you, and when a temptation comes, imagine Him being right by your side, and you'll immediately feel added strength and power. John Bytheway

This week, we met an amazing lady named Tracy!  When she answered the door, she was wearing a Yellowstone shirt!  So we talked about that and then started talking about the gospel.  She invited us in and we taught her the restoration!  She was so excited to get a copy of the Book of Mormon, and she was excited that we wanted her to find out if it was true for herself because she feels like that is important.  She also agreed to be baptized though she said she would have to think about the 20th some more. Also, she has lots of dogs and cats!  So I was sitting with a cat on my lap the whole lesson! :)
Also this week, we are sitting in the front office checking Facebook and a random man walks in and goes, I didn't know we had sister missionaries here!  I have someone for you to go see!  Turns out we now have another ward member in our apt complex!  And he wanted us to go see someone we already teach... but still, we have a fellow-shipper now!
We went and visited a couple named Jason and Christina and the house is in a very wooded area.  So we both got like 30+ mosquito bites!  Even though we had used bug spray that morning!
Also, on Saturday, we got the call that I am being transferred.  Sad day!  The same day, we were biking along a road that has maybe three inches between the white line and the grass.  So it was a very narrow road and I was feeling really nervous because the cars aren't very nice sometimes and pass way too close and really fast.  Also, we were going downhill and I was getting left in the dust so I didn't want to break and slow down cause I had to make it up the hill.  So a car was going past and I felt like I was going to get hit so I instinctively jerked the handlebars and ended up in the grass.  The next thing I knew, I was in the middle of the road with my bike on top of me.  First thing I remember thinking was, "I am in the middle of the road! I need to move!"  So I pushed my bike off me and got to the side of the road and then I realized that my water bottle was in the road.  So I grabbed that and tried to put it in my water bottle holder.  Except my water bottle holder was smashed.  About that time, I realized my hand was really hurting and bleeding, as was my elbow and the side of my pinky finger.  So I shoved the water bottle in my bag and stood my bike up.  The car did come back and the man was asking if I needed a ride, but I told him no. So I started walking my bike.  Eventually sister Loosle came back and we walked our bikes the rest of the way home.  When we finally got there, I was feeling really dizzy and sick and ended up throwing up (gross!)—poor sister Loosle was trying to clean my wounds out and didn't really know what to do.  So we called our district leader, but he didn't answer.  We called Dr. Ross and he said he would be over in about a half an hour with his wife.  So then we called our ward mission leader, no answer.  So brother Miles came over to give me a blessing with brother Ross.  And brother Miles re-bent my water bottle holder for me! :) Brother Lindsay (Ward Mission Leader) and his family came over too and gave us Klondike bars.  Once brother Ross got me all bandaged up, sister Ross took us to our appointment with Amy and Grayson.  And then she bought us Wendy's for dinner at like 9pm since we hadn’t gotten dinner.
And then at church the next day...yeah...everyone wanted to know what happened!  Especially since brother Ross wrapped my right hand to keep the bandage on so it looks all dramatic. So my right hand is bandaged, my left pinky, left elbow, and left knee.  So packing is taking forever!  And so do a lot of other things!  I also can't write!  I was trying really hard to write in my journal with my left hand but it looks like chicken scratch!  The good news is my mosquito bites don't bug me…
Anyway, thanks for all your prayers!  Cause a broken bone would have been awful!
Love y'all!
Sister morris

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 Here is my district- We had lots of fun!

Found out I was being transferred 
right before we met sister Jessup!

Kind of gross--At least I waited until it
was all cleaned up before taking a picture!

gospel principles class!
I made the elders take the pic

 Sister Ross is so sweet!
sister spokowski feeds us at least twice a month!
sister Koch (pronounced cook)

sister Lawrence and Penelope
sister Loosle making popcorn at the Lindsay's!
 me and sage-I will miss her!

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