News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, September 22, 2014

Begin on the person living next door by inspiring confidence in him, by inspiring love in him for you because of your righteousness , and your missionary work has already begun. - President George Albert Smith

So funny moment of the week.  We were over at an investigators house for a lesson and she had heard in relief society that they were collecting old church magazines for an activity.  So she pulled out a bunch of watchtowers and gave them to us!  So if her neighbors thought we were jehovah's witnesses before, now they know for sure! :) We also helped a family move from a small apartment to a slightly larger apartment.  And they had soo much stuff!!  I honestly have no idea how they had that much junk stuffed into their tiny apartment! It was amazing!  And Nyema had this 50 year old television (so not a flat-screen) that was super enormous!  I think it weighs more than me and my companion put together!  Yep...The elders had fun with that one! And it was a huge pain to lift everything over the banister! All the chest-of-drawers and beds and everything.  Yep.  We had fun!
Also, we have a brother in our ward who is like Monk!  Last Sunday, he wore a glove to church so he could shake people's hands! :)  It was really great.  He is such a sweet man!  I loved how excited he was to shake everyone's hands!  The elders also had a chance to take him teaching with them this week and they said he is an amazing teacher!
We went to visit Sister Liverman at the rehab center the other day and her door was closed so we were waiting in the hallway for quite some time, talking to one of the nurses.  And there was a cute little old man in a wheelchair by her, just sitting there.  Then another nurse came to get residents for dinner and he didn’t want to leave but she kept reassuring him that she would still be there. After he left, she told us that he used to be a police officer and that he had been guarding her all day, telling her that he would keep her safe.  So cute! :) We had zone conference this week with President and Sister Craven and they told us that we would all get to see Meet the Mormons! :)  Not gonna lie, I am super excited!  I think it is amazing that the church is putting out a movie to show people how normal we are!  Because so many people think we have multiple spouses and horns and don’t drink soft drinks, etc! Also, we were out finding on foot and there was a cute old couple sitting on their porch.  So we went to talk to them.  They were not interested at all, but they had us sit down and rest and gave us water. :)  I love people!
Every Saturday, we meet with the elders at the library to update our progress record and what not, so on Friday, we were texting them to see when would work for them.  They said "11:30?" and we already had plans for that time so we were talking about it and we asked them, "Do you know what time the library closes?"  Their response? "We meant AM not PM" haha.  Love texting!  Seriously elders!  We will all be asleep by 11:30 at night!
Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week! :)
Sister Morris

So this is our car Toothless.  Poor thing!
Still, very easy to find in a parking lot!
Apparently the Spanish elders were driving down the
freeway and a random tire was rolling down their lane...
And they hit it.

Sister Tenney
my awesome companion!
random acorn that just felt like being multiple colors...:)

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