News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, December 29, 2014

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are". T. Roosevelt

Hi everyone!  Hope y’all had a fantastic Christmas!!
So this week we got to go caroling a few times!  We went with Sister Whitaker and the Elders around to some of our Less actives and Recent Converts.  We sang, read the Christmas story, and then sang again!  It was lots of fun and everyone was super happy to see us! :) We also got to go caroling on Christmas Eve in High Point and we had a wonderful time!  The weather was perfect and everyone got soo excited! We sang two songs and then shared “He is the Gift” with them and then one of us bore testimony about Gods love for them and asked them to share He is the Gift cards with others :)  one of the Elders had brought a speaker he hooked up to his i-pad so we even had great sound quality for He is the Gift!  Best moment: so we kept asking people who they knew we should go caroling to and they sent us to a house where they were clearly home, but were down in the basement.  So we were like, oh well, we will go somewhere else.  But one of the elders was like No!  They need this!  So he goes over and knocks on their downstairs window and motions for them to come upstairs!  ha-ha! Probably freaked them out a bit!  But they loved our singing!  (Okay, so I must admit, our singing started out horrible!  There is this one elder who is just so enthusiastic but cannot sing!  Our first song sounded awful!  But we got better when we did more reverent songs and kept reminding everyone to sing quietly and reverently.... :) Anyway, Christmas was really fun!  We had so many packages to open because the ward gave us all kinds of useful things!  (lotion, band aids, stamps, soap, paper, etc.)  So it kind of looked like a tornado!
Also, amazing moment: So we were doing weekly planning and I am writing on our white board with a dry erase marker.  And we were talking about some of our investigators and I am messing around with the pen, flipping it into the air and whatnot.  And then I threw it too far and it bounced off my finger, hit the couch, bounced back and hit me in the face, bounced off the white board, and landed behind me. Yep.  I am just skilled like that :)
Anyway, our investigators are all getting better! yay!  And Milford Keller came to church!!  He is the one with Cerebral Palsy and he got the SCAT bus to bring him to church!  And he loved it!  He said he is definitely coming back next week!
There was this random preacher that showed up at church this week.  Elder Kleinman and Sister Shepherd gave talks and he came up and was kind of chastising them after the meeting.... going on about how we shouldn’t classify ourselves as Mormon and whatnot (only neither of them actually ever used the term Mormon in their talks...)  And he was chastising cute Sister Aagard in Gospel Principles as well.  Good thing she is just amazing and rolled with the punches!  Ha-ha, only in the south do you get that though!  Random preachers showing up at church to offer correction!
So reading the Book of Mormon is amazing!  I have also started reading the Old Testament and it keeps just hitting me over and over how important Remembering is!  When the Nephites and the Children of Israel remember God, they prosper!  When they forget God, they stop doing the things they know they should and fall into wickedness.  When we remember, we are soo much better off!  President Craven told us that "if you read Preach My Gospel everyday, you will never fall away" When we remember God, we remember our covenants and we remember that we are His children.  We remember this life is NOT the end!  We remember that we want to live with Him again and be with our families for forever!  And then we can remember to make choices that will lead us back to Him!  As I have been reading through the Book of Mormon this year, I was marking every time the word remember was used and have been reflecting a lot on how important it is to remember the spiritual experiences we have and to remember who we are.  Christ is the perfect example of Remembering: he never forgot who He was or why he was here!  I love Alma 37:45 where Alma is telling his son to Remember.  Alma knows how important it is to remember! And he does not want his son to experience the pain of forgetting and sinning against God.
Anyway, I hope y’all have a most fantastic week!
Sending you lots of love from the Great State of North Carolina,

Sister Morris

Merry Christmas!  Lots of gifts from our great ward. . .

District unity! :). Haha the elders look like bodyguards!

we are such a great district!
it looks like a bomb went off in our living room

oh yes, I am soo ready to go!

ha ha tiny plate for a not so tiny pizza!

roasting marshmallows for smores 

look at this street

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