News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, December 22, 2014

"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air" WT Ellis

We have had great fun this week despite being sick (so I am still sick and sister Shepherd is now sick) and all our investigators are sick! But that gives us the chance to find new investigators like crazy!   Last week, the Harwards had driven us down to charlotte and before we left, they gave us a bag of soup and rolls—which we quickly threw in the freezer and went on our merry way.  Turns out, there was also a can of peas in there!  When we figured that out, we were pretty worried it would explode, so Sister Shepherd started soaking it in cold water and whatnot.  When she opened it, peas went everywhere!  Ha ha!  That was fun to clean up. Also this week, we went on exchanges with Guilford!  (which is strange because they are not even in our zone, and I used to go on exchanges there when I was in Summerfield!)  So sister Shepherd stayed here, and I went to Guilford.  It was lots of fun and we met some super strange people :)
On Friday, we had a zone conference in Winston Salem and had soo much fun getting there!  So I planned an extra 20 mins for us to get there early and we barely made it exactly on time!  First of all, I missed the freeway entrance, and then we got to Winston Salem and figured out the address the zone leaders had texted us was wrong.  At this point, we also discovered we had left the phone home.  So we drove around trying to find and LDS building and having no luck!  Then I remembered that my GPS has a place where you can search for places of worship.  Our churches are not always on there, but it was worth a try!  And it was there!  Yay!  Because the address we had was not close at all!  We never would have found it!  Anyway, the rest of that day was just super crazy because we thought the meeting was over at 1:00 and it really got out at 3:30 and Sister Shepherd and Sister pace had set up some appointments so we were running around trying to catch up all day!
Funny moment: So we are driving around and pretty stressed because we are running way behind, when I pull up to this four way stop.  And we are just sitting there because the other cars are not moving, and we are like, why are they not going?  So they finally go and it is at that moment when I realize it is not a four way stop at all!  They were waiting for me to go!   Ha ha, I am just skilled like that.  But it was really great because it was something to laugh about :)
Anyway, Hope y’all have a fantastic Christmas!

Sister Morris, NC
yay for Zone Conference!  So it totally threw me off to see President
Craven put on a fake beard....just seems so out of character!
Cravens are great !!

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