News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, December 8, 2014

"Some attempt to persuade or even pressure the Church into lowering God's standards to the level of their own inappropriate behavior, which in the words of Elder Maxwell, will develop self-contentment instead of seeking self-improvement and repentance. Lowering the Lord's standards to the level of a society's inappropriate behavior is - apostasy." Elder Lynn Robbins

So Sister Shepherd is really great –But she did not clean up her Facebook before coming on her mission (she did not have internet at home) so we have been trying to clean it up and it is taking forever!  I cannot believe how much she has posted on Facebook!  Also, we tried to do it over at our main office and the computers there are soo slow!  I thought I was going to start tearing my hair out or something. (But, I don’t need to loose any more hair)  We made it through alive ...mostly.... Also, my voice was so crazy this week!  I actually lost it at one point!  Poor Sister Shepherd had to take over, especially for ones that were later in the day because it got worse every time I was talking.  Oh well.  Just trying to keep life interesting for her.  Also, we got to teach Stephanie (a less active) and her two boys this week.  They are the cutest!  During the lesson, Hayden all of the sudden says, "wait!  I have to ask my mom something before I forget!"  Then he turns to his mom and says "I don’t want to go to grandmas this weekend so I can go to church with you."  and both of the boys prayed out loud for the first time at the end of the lesson.  They are so cute!  As we were leaving, Stephanie gave me some cough drops and Hayden got all offended on my behalf "Mom!  Why did you give them cough drops?  Those aren’t candy!!"  They did come to church on Sunday, but ended up going to our class with us and then we went to primary with them.  I think Hayden really enjoyed it though.  
Also this week, we were on a street looking for people to show the He is the Gift video to.  And it was freezing!  So we hopped back in the car, and then I was like, wait, we have to go do the house up there!  So we got out of the car and walked all the way up the hill and strait up to the door.  When we knocked, a lady from a car in the street rolled down her window and said, "Do you need anything?  That is my house."  So we went to talk to her and the missionaries had taught her 11 years ago!  However, her husband's brother passed away and they had gone to Mexico for the funeral.  Since they could not afford to pay the rent while they were gone, they moved right when they got back home.  So we have started teaching Betty :) and her kids since they kept coming home from school!  She has 5 kids and all of them came to the Christmas party on Sunday :)  
Stephanie and her boys also came to the Christmas party and it was lots of fun!  Even more fun was the set up we had to do though ...On Saturday, we built this wooden frame and then had to get this really heavy brown fabric to stay on it in order to make a stable.  So we used a whole lot of duct tape and staples.  Only by the next day, it had fallen down!  So brother Leinbach brought his staple gun the next day so we could get everything to stay up.  And figuring out the costumes was really fun!  Sister Shepherd and I played dress-up as we tried on all the costumes and tried to figure out what people should wear. Anyway, Sunday was really fun since it was fast Sunday but we were at the church when we could have been breaking our fast (brother Leinbach wanted us there at 2:30) so when everyone got there with their desserts and fruit, that was what we broke our fast with.  Super healthy, right? But the Bishop did a great job in the play.  He was King Herod and he looked kind of like Sauron :)
Also this week, we had gotten another bible referral we went to see and when she opened the door, she invited us right in.  Turns out she is RLDS.  It was kind of strange because you start talking about Joseph Smith or the nature of God, how we pray, etc and she is just like, yeah!  That is SO true!  It was really weird!  Definitely not the normal response we get!
Anyway, I hope y’all have another great week!

NC Sister Morris

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