News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, December 1, 2014

"God can't give us peace and happiness apart from Himself because there is no such thing." CS Lewis

Hi everyone!  
     I hope you all had a really great Thanksgiving!  This week was transfers on Tuesday!  Sister Tenney got transferred and Sister Shepherd is my new companion.  She is super sweet and she is so excited to be here in North Carolina on her mission!  On her first day here, we ended up needing to walk from the Elders apt to an appointment.  It wasn’t really too far and we made it there pretty fast.  However, once we got there, Sister Shepherd felt for her tag and realized it was missing!  So we ended up having to retrace our steps for quite a ways!  But we did end up finding it.  Nice way to make your first day memorable, right?  Anyway, thanksgiving was really fun.  The Whitakers invited us over and we had a great time stuffing ourselves!  Sister Whitaker seriously went all out though, making homemade turtles, cranberry sauce, and ordering macaroons from Europe! They told us, at one point, that when they were in Sri Lanka the turkey they bought had been over $90!  Crazy!  She said it had been really good though.  On Saturday, we had a second Thanksgiving.  The Greenwoods signed up to feed us and they were having thanksgiving then so their daughter Erin could make it.  So we got another Thanksgiving dinner!       
     Something that is pretty exciting is the "He is the Gift" video the church has put out.  It is really cute and we are trying to share it with everyone in the whole world— I highly encourage everyone to watch it :)
     Fun moment of the week, I got sick!  I think it was from the day when we were biking because I didn’t dress warm enough.  I think it is kind of a mix of allergies and a cold, but I can barely talk today!  Probably cause I was talking so much yesterday despite my sore throat.  Like in Sunday school, Sister Aagard was unable to make it since her kids are sick and since her husband is the bishop, he couldn’t exactly stay home and watch them.  So apparently she sent us a text, which we did not notice, asking us to teach.  Haha.  Yep.  So I ended up splitting everyone into groups and having them read and discuss a certain section.  Then the group members would get up and present that part to the class.  Hopefully everyone learned something!  It was pretty fun though!  And Stephanie (a less active we are teaching) came and she even participated even though she is really afraid of talking in front of people!
     Sister Shepherd is from all over California- most recently from Veyo, Utah (apparently really close to St. George).  She has moved around a lot!  But she loves riding horses, drawing, and Once upon a time.  She is super sweet and has an optimistic attitude all the time, even when I tell her we are biking somewhere and she barely knows how to bike.  We have had lots of fun together so far!
I hope y’all are having a great day!

Sister Morris
great members everywhere!

my new companion

Sister Shepherd

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