News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance! The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." CS Lewis

On Tuesday, we went to MLC in Charlotte and had a great meeting! Funny moment though, after the meeting, we go to use the bathroom and as Sister Nielsen was washing her hands; the water splattered her skirt in just the wrong place!  It looked like she had wet her skirt! And she refused to leave the bathroom unless it was dry!  So we were in there for more than 10 minutes as Sister Nielsen flapped her skirt to dry it off and I just laughed!
Also we were contacting a potential investigator who is not ready to be taught the gospel but was trying to give us $20 for lunch. Old people are funny!  And no we did not accept the $20!  We even showed him the part in the white hand-book where it says we cannot accept money from anyone and he was still trying to make us take it. Very sweet lonely old man!
Zone Meeting was pretty great!  We did lots of role-playing so that made it  fun!  So we only had a short training . . . which was lots better in my opinion!  Who wants to hear me talk for 20 mins? Not me!
After Zone Meeting, we went on exchanges with the Reedy Creek Sisters so Sister Cottis came here with me.  My favorite lesson was with Amanda (a recent convert) because she is super gung-ho about how much money the church has saved her.  She was talking about how the W of W has saved her a couple thousand a year and not going out to eat every Sunday has saved a lot as well.   As she was talking, this enormous bug flew over and landed on her and she jumped right up trying to get it off!  Except it was actually a leaf.  Really looked like a bug though!  Just saying!
We also got to meet with Connie Denton and talk about the Word of Wisdom, which she has already been living for years.  I just love Connie and love watching her get happier and happier!  She loved church this week and Sister Bowe was just amazing, taking Connie under her wing and going to classes with her and everything. Yay for her!  I love it when members are so willing to help out and actually make friends with the investigators!
Also on Sunday, Aneesah had been planning on coming to church but since Latoya and everyone was sick, they were no longer coming.  So Aneesah left their house and started walking to church!  It is about a 20- 25 minute drive from there but she was determined to make it!  Thankfully, Brother Simpson was running late to church and saw her on his way so her took her along to church with the kids!  I love it when investigators are so bound and determined to get to church!
Sure Love you!  Hope y'all have a fantastic week!

Sister Morris

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