News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Thursday, April 2, 2015

"One can pray and not really pray- Prayers can be routinized and made very superficial. When this happens, there is very little communication and very little growth....Yet, given the times in which we live, improving our prayers should be one of our deepest desires if we are genuinely serious about growing spiritually." NA Maxwell

This week, we went on exchanges with the Kannapolis Sisters and since they are in a trio, I got to be in a trio for 24 hours!  Sister Hong and Sister Barnett came here with me and we had a lot of fun! Though it’s hard to find a balance between three companions!
 It was a fun exchange!  And we actually had a mother and daughter who signed up to feed us dinner and then go on splits with us!  So I sent Sister Hong with Megan to our set appointments and Sister Barnett, Sister Dickson and I went to go track down some less actives.  So the funny moment is, the Kannapolis Sisters and the Concord elders are in the same district (us and our elders are not in the same district...we are with Albemarle) and when Sister Hong showed up at the appointment with Samantha and Latoya, the Concord Elders were there teaching Chris (the dad)!  I can just imagine their faces! :)  Like where are the Concord Sisters??  haha.  Also weird, we found them two new investigators here in concord!  We actually found Lee at his daughter's home and we set up a return appointment and then handed him over when we discovered he was in their area.  They met with him again yesterday (Sunday) and he has a baptismal date now! He has never been baptized and he had been up at 7 am waiting for the sisters to get there!  (the appointment was at 1, but since they had church then, they went by later)  I love the south!
On Wednesday, we had district meeting and then went to a Thai restaurant for lunch.  It is just a tiny little restaurant but it was lots of fun to get to know the Albemarle missionaries better (our district is only 3 companionships, us, Albemarle Sisters, and Albemarle Elders)
Also this week, three of our recent converts got to the temple!!!! :)  yay!  I wish we could have gone with them!  But Latoya brought four names she had found by herself and they all just loved it!
Earlier in the week, we were teaching Molly about the standards of the church (no multiple piercings...we didn’t even realize she hadn’t been taught that before baptism because when you go on so many exchanges, you don’t know what your companion taught etc.).  As we were talking, we found out that her piercings are not the kind that are easy to remove but that you have to cut them out!  And, to make matters worse, she has piercings by a nerve and if you hit it, then the entire side of your face goes numb and it can be permanent!  But she is so humble and said she would take them out that day.  Later, we texted her and asked if everything went okay and she said, "yeah it was fine—left side of my face was only numb for 2 hours".  I love Molly! And she loved the temple!
Also this week, I finally got to meet a returning member Jenna Helms (I have always been on exchanges when we were going to teach her!)  and guess what??? She has the softest rabbit ever!  And it just runs around her house with her two dogs!  It was kind of crazy!  It also got really cold this week on Saturday and Sunday.  We had an appointment to go visit Connie (an investigator) and when we got in there, it was freezing!  Earlier in the month, she had had to make the choice between paying the gas bill or the electric bill and she had picked electricity.  (she used to be an RN but got hurt on the job and has a horrible back.  She now works at a hotel desk and only makes minimum wage and they wont pay her for overtime.   She also has custody of 5 grandchildren all under the age of 5).  Anyway, we knew it was going to get even colder, so we called our ward mission leader Brother Watson.  Since we were headed to the General Women broadcast, Brother Watson (the brother of our ward mission leader) went over there with a few extra space heaters so they could be warm.  We went back over on Sunday and Connie was so much happier!  I love it when we can help people!
Also this week, the Because He Lives video came out!! Share it! The Church is so inspired!  I hope y’all have a great week and have the chance to serve someone!
I sure love ya!

Sister Morris
we drive past this peacock all the time. . .

Churches here are soo interesting!

Visiting a museum!

Sister Barnett, me, and Sister Hong
(you can see some of my apt behind us)

 I spy a vertical log....

An abandoned mill that has been converted into an apt complex! it feels colder inside than out-

We got ice cream at the Cabarrus Creamery!

so...What happens if you sit there for too long??

LOVE the flowers here!  This is one I found on the ground-

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