News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, April 20, 2015

Don't be limited by your challenges, challenge your limits!

Funny moment of the week: -Sunday, it was raining off and on all day, going from sprinkling to pouring and back to sprinkling.  So we drove to a potential investigator's home and got out to knock on her door and it was just sprinkling.  Once we got on the porch, we were able to stand under a little overhang and stay dry while we knocked on the door.  Soon after we knocked, the rain started getting blown onto us, but it wasn't raining hard so it was okay.  There was also a little boy home because he was sticking his little hand out the mail slot and saying hi to us and calling for his mom to come answer the door.  So we couldn't decide if she was going to come or not!  And then she did come and open the door and we started exchanging information and getting a return appointment when the skies open up and a downpour happens.  At first, it was okay because the overhang protected us.  Then the gutter started overflowing and landing, you guessed it, right on us!!  It also proceeded to fill my shoes up with water until my shoes where overflowing as well!  We got soaked in the two minutes it took us to talk with Michelle!  As we walked away from the house, I took one look at Sister Nielsen and busted up laughing because I knew I probably looked the same!  Just our back-sides were wet!  And we had a dinner appointment where an investigator was coming right then!  So we had to go there instead of changing!  Lucky for me, I got less wet and I was wearing clothes that dried fast.  Sister Nielsen on the other hand...the Sheppards ended up making her use a blow dryer to dry off a little but by that point, she had already managed to soak a chair!
Also this week, we had two baptisms. Saturday, Samantha got baptized (she is 10 and Latoya's daughter) and it was a great program. Funny moment though.  We decided during the middle part, we would show the Restoration video.   So we get the tv out of the library and put the disk in and it plays-in Spanish.  So I started messing around with the remotes and everything says it is in English. So we go get a different DVD that also says it plays in multiple languages and put it in and it plays in Spanish too!  At this point, I figured we wouldn't be able to figure it out so we would try the really old Tv.  So we put a different DVD in and it plays in English! Yay! Though at this point, I realized, it might be the dvd!  So we try that dvd in the first one and it works!  Seriously though, if the dvd says it plays in multiple languages, then it should!
We also had our district leader (he is actually serving in Albemarle but does such a good job of interviewing people that Latoya and her family love him!) speak at the baptism. Samantha has Asperger’s syndrome and it is hard to get her to talk or answer questions.  The best way is to make her laugh.  Apparently Elder Hutchings was able to make her laugh by pretending to be really nervous and sweaty.  The thing is, she insisted that he talk about sweating at the beginning and the end of his talk on the Holy Ghost.... Hehe!  It was the best because he totally did!  And he just did it so calmly and had everyone laughing.  Yeah for great district leaders!
The second baptism was for Connie Denton on Sunday.  Now this was the day Samantha was going to be baptized on as well, but since the elders had two for that day, we moved Samantha because she doesn't like big crowds and is afraid of water.  (She had no problem getting baptized by the way!  She was really fast!). Anyway, Saturday night, the elders texted us to tell us their two baptisms weren't going to happen anymore.  So we had to hurry and redo the program since they were supposed to do half of it.  But we got it all done and the baptism was amazing!  :)
We also had a dinner with a member who lives out in the boonies!  So she came and picked us up and then proceeded to drive really fast the whole way there!  And there were obstacles that she had to swerve around!  First a wine box, then a small dog, a flock of chickens, and a man on a lawn mower!  And we drove past this OLD lady (like 90s) mowing on a riding lawn mower.  The best part was, she was dressed up nice and wearing a big strand of pearls & pearl earrings.  #onlyinthesouth!
Also this week, we went on exchanges with Harrisburg and University City.  It was super fun!  Though really rainy!  In Harrisburg, Sister Buckley and I went to go see a less active and she had two great Danes in her home!  (why would you have such big dogs as indoor dogs??)
Anyway, she invited us in and the dogs are all sniffing us.  She invited us to sit down and then the two great Danes proceeded to try and jump on our laps!  Prime example of why cats are better than dogs!
Anyway, Sorry for the long email!  Too many exciting moments this week I guess!

Sure love ya!                       Sister Morris

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