News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, April 6, 2015

You'll never be brave if you don't get hurt. You'll never learn if you don't make mistakes. You'll never be successful if you don't encounter failure!

      So our mission has been really stressing the need to get rid of extra things in our apartments because a ton of areas are getting closed down.  Since SLC is trying to get our numbers down to 200, a ton of places have closed.  But the missionaries have left behind extra furniture and what not.  The problem is, it is the elderly couples that are in charge of closing the apts!  So since they have to move all the furniture and whatnot they sent out a pleading email for us to get rid of extra furniture now.  So this week, our WML Brother Watson came over to pick up some extra stuff (ie a rocking chair, a chest of drawers, a couch, etc) So we were all carrying stuff downstairs and then over to the "truck."  I put it into quotations because this is the most sketchy truck I have ever seen!  It is super low to the ground and the entire dashboard is missing! All the wires and everything are just hanging out!  And the bed of the truck was tiny!  They were tying all the stuff onto the back of the truck!  I think they must have acquired it from a junk yard or something....?
Also this week, a member ended up just dropping a meal off from Bojangles.  And yes it is as sketchy as it sounds!  I have only had it once before and it was awful!  I thought I was going to puke or something!  This time, I was much more wary and only ate a little of it.  I also warned Sister Nielsen, but by this time, she knows I am pretty picky and didn’t take my word for it.  The poor thing was sick for about 2 days!  Not sick enough to keep us in or anything, but it was pretty sad!  So word to the wise, avoid Bojangles!!  Unless you feel like making good friends with your bathroom!
For General Conference, we were able to have two investigators come to the church, Connie and Aneesah! :)  It was so fun to have them there and I loved how both of them were just so much happier as they were leaving!
For Easter, we had dinner at the Bishop's house and it was just comical!  Because he is from France and they follow those customs. Like no one eats anything until the Matron has, lots of forks, etc.  I just thought it was fun!  Especially when the bishop would speak in French... :)
Anyway, Sister Nielsen and I are about to dye some Easter eggs so that is it for this week!  Though just a thought from General Conference— Opposition is really unifying and it helps you know where you stand!  As a church, we are united in our support of the prophet and the apostles!  I truly thank God for a prophet to guide us in these latter days and to make it though the dark clouds of trouble to peace!
Sure love ya!

Sister Morris

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